One week after BBL treatment

I thought I’d share my results so far for anyone considering having a single BBL done. I’ve only had one, and while I’m impressed with the results I do not plan on having another. Simply because micro needling is going to be a more effective for the acne scars.

It wasn’t painful at all, maybe around the nostrils… Afterwards, my face felt a little warm. Not as bad as a sunburn. I had a little redness afterwards, but was 100% fine the next day. Aside from the “coffee grounds” you couldn’t really tell I had anything done at first. I feel like the improvement has been gradual.

I really feel like it brought my skin to life and helped improve the texture. If the BBL targets one of your problem areas, I’d recommend having it done! They recommend three treatments for best results.

Just an fyi, one half of my face has burn scars, hence the different texture and coloration. I am not trying to get rid of those. Treatment is rather invasive and I’ve embraced them.