Sunday Game Day Thread: Week 15
The 49ers played on Thursday Night Football this week. Use this thread to discuss this Sunday's slate of games.
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Anybody update Playoff scenario?
\nHey at least Green Bay put it on Seattle.
\nWe need every body help go to playoff
\nThen we still have to win the 3 remaining games lol
\nI see all these WR making these slow sliding catches and ours have missed so many of those kind of throws this year
\n*low sliding
\nCrazy how history repeats itself. This was literally 2020 alll fucking over again sans the pandemic. I checked out of football so hard that year.
\nWhich means we\u2019re going to be right back in the thick of things next year. I can\u2019t wait until we draft and hit on some more of our draft picks. We\u2019re going to take it to Old man Stafford and the Rams next year.
\n2021 was not our best year. Though we did eventually make it to the NFCCG by the skin of our teeth.
\nWe did fairly well but Jimmy had a shoulder that needed surgery (that our front office said he didn't and got it during the off-season) and a broken thumb. Also our OLine was worse than it was today with how banged up they were. Trent was on a bad ankle.
\n\nShunting out the Cowboys like that was hilarious though. Hella funny the girlfriend of the cheating guy saw the game on tv and then broke up with him lol. She saw him with his side chick.
\nJust heard Brock wants 60 million and sorry folks he is not an elite QB, and when he has been bad he has been really bad and beating the Bears is more of a cool story bro levels of awe\u2026 with so many extension eating up a ton of cap space (and boy did CMC, Aiyuk and Trent Williams look like a really poor decision, especially in Aiyuks\nCase (who is not a top 10 WR and played like\nCrap in the SB)
\n\nBrock looks like he has a lower ceiling and if they don\u2019t address that O-line, he will not even reach his since he struggles when a lineman gets in his face
\nDraft Drew Allar \ud83d\udde3\ufe0f
\nI definitely thin they need to draft another QB\u2026 I don\u2019t follow college, but would he fit into the Kyle ideal QB (think a better Kirk cousins as Kyle\u2019s dream QB), how is his arm and hand size? \u00a0What is his size? \u00a0
\nNice to have the Cardinals win and inch us closer to a last place schedule. The Seahawks getting crushed is also adding a nice cap to the day.
\nWatching Seattle stink it up at home in the stupid stadium has made this weekend better
\nThey are falling apart and now Geno is Injured. Good thing we couldn\u2019t score a td or two and beat the sorry ass Rams\u2026.because the Seahawks collapsing is EXACTLY what we needed \ud83d\ude44. Would never root for an injury but this is comical how we keep shooting ourselves in the foot this year\u2026
\nFuck Geno and his crybaby I didn\u2019t write back comeback player bullshit. Fucker came back from a bad team.
\nSeattle looks so terrible. How did we lose to them at home?
\nBosa got hurt. That's really where the game turned.
\nCaught them at the wrong time.
\nAnd they caught us at the right time\u2026just Huf being back and Bosa not going out we would have stomped them. With Greenlaw too\u2026pfft.
\nChickens embarassing themselves is entertaining at least
\nWish every team has someone like Grant!
\nSeahawks vs Packers are exactly who we thought they were, barely squeaking out a win against us. Not going deep in the playoffs if they get there
\nlol Buffalo!
\nI really expected more out of Detroit today. But damn that leg injury on 30 ouch! \ud83d\ude31
\nYou expected more? They scored 40 points. wtf are you talking about.
\nProbably that they didn\u2019t win?
\nI guess. Detroit made it a good game, but they ran into the likely MVP Josh Allen.
\nWelcome to actually playing a good team Detroit
\nThey beat GB though.
\nGB are top 15
\nUhhh what?
\nI saw a tweet from Rob Guerrera saying that trading Purdy should be on the table for the offseason and I thought I was gonna burst a blood vessel.
\nAnything should be on the table. It\u2019s called negotiating. Unless your name is Mahomes, Allen, Jackson, Burrow you need to play hardball with negotiations if you\u2019re the Niners. Purdy is in the 2nd or 3rd tier of QBs and he should not automatically get a market setting contract.
\nShit like that is one reason why i\u2019m not on twitter anymore
\nWatching this bills team is giving me flashbacks to the niners last season. Explosive runs, explosive passes, misdirection and creativity on offense. Good times\u2026
\nThe niners were just so frustrating to watch all year my god
\nFootball is not as when your team isn\u2019t in contention \ud83d\ude2a
\nTrue but we are sacrificing this year for next year. We will be back with a vengeance on a last place schedule.
\nHey Kyle that\u2019s how you run a 2 min drive!
\nSeeing that josh Allen throw.. now that\u2019s $60 million
\nYup don\u2019t see how anyone can watch the elite QBs play and say Brock\u2019s part of that
\nI don\u2019t think anyone is saying Brock is Josh Allen. But I would take Brock over Hurts, Trevor, Dak, and other QBs who got a huge payday
\nWhere are the Cowboys and Jags now? And Hurts passing may be mid but his rushing and scrambling is elite for a QB.
\nWhat's worse is that you can see what Allen played his first seasons and Brock is so above. Why do people complain about a guy who went straight into the playoffs and did so well 2 years in a row. Don't anyone believes he can improve.
\n\nWe are the second most injured team. Purdy is not Allen rn but he can catch up. The moment you get him back a WR like Brandon who separates, couple positions to fill in RB and for protection. His stats are going up.
\nYeah I agree. The issue with Brock is that he has all the high expectations without any of the praise that comes with them. He played so well his first two seasons that he could only get worse this year, and not all of that was his fault due to injury. If he played well this year he still wouldn\u2019t get any credit because of our teams \u201cavengers\u201d and \u201ckyle the mastermind\u201d.
\n\nIt\u2019s a lose lose situation in that sense, but I know our front office knows the value he brings to our team
\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0I know our front office knows the value he brings to our team
Bc they are competent and if we, some normal fans, can see it, they do.
\n\nAnyone can see the team health status and know that Brock's not the problem. Half of your cap is gone on injured players. Kyle, Lynch, Jed, luckily for us we have competent leaders. They see their roster, see how Purdy has played for 2 seasons and now in the second most depleted team of the NFL in 24. They will pay and they plan in the next 4 seasons to win one Superbowl. One freak season with injuries is not time to freak out.
\n\nIt's some fans that don't like him bc of his draft number that have been on a hunt for 2 years now. Waiting for a slip.
\nOnce you pay Brock that 60 million \nHe\u2019s not gonna have the weapons you want lmao. These injuries this year have allowed us to see what Brock will do without his weapons. And it\u2019s not great.
\n\n\n\ne\u2019s not gonna have the weapons you want lmao
\n\nThe team is not suffering bc of draft capital. That rate of injuries is uncommon. Do we have to let go some players when paying him 55ish a year? Yes but it's not like he needs all that roster healthy. You get half of those back and we are a 10-3 team. No doubt.
\n\nTrent + Deebo + Aiyuk contract are worse than paying 55 a year to Brock. Between the 3 you could replicate their 2024 play with 10 M. They were ass and injured. Brock is the least of our problems.
\n\nCap space goes up every year. In 4 seasons the next franchise quarterback will get a 70 M contract and Purdy's contract is now cheap.
\nSeeing top teams play relevant football today sucks
\nDan Campbell is so much more creative and aggressive compared to Kyle.
\nThats because they have a legit OC and coach canadite in Ben Johnson
\nI\u2019m rooting for the Lions but even before today\u2019s games I have thought the Eagles are the favorite. They are not really scheme driven (like the Lions or 49ers). It\u2019s great Oline, great running game (Qb can run too), receivers that can beat man coverage, improved secondary, and Vic Fangio turning around the defense. Vic Fangio was the first one to shutdown the Goff led Rams during their Super Bowl season. I bet he has something up his sleeve if they play the Lions in the playoffs.
\nWe will have to see but I don\u2019t remember Fangio excelling in Miami last year. I think the Lions will be able to score on anyone with their playmakers and offensive line. If they secure home field advantage it will be tough for anyone to beat them.
\nThat TD play by the Lions you don't see Shamahan doing
\nConflicted watching bills vs. lions. I want both to win to avoid KC/Philly from getting the 1-seed
\nI\u2019m going Bills, better uniforms \ud83d\ude02
\nWatt brothers just play with a different gear every snap. TJ is what Bosa should be but the Bosa bro's sat back after getting paid. douchebags.
\nThe Steelers know how to surround TJ with talent, we don\u2019t.
\nIdk, I still think Nick played well this season but he had negative help. Our run D without him was atrocious.
\nNick is the heart of the line. Without him the line gets zero pressure and had piss poor tackling. Bosa gets double and triple teamed a lot and still gets pressures.
\nHe's not getting the same individual stats but the overall defense looks very different when he's out and the opposing offense has less to worry about.
\nBills are embarrassing Detroit right now
\nLions haven't played a good team beside the Packers in two months. And then even then, beat the Pack by 3 and the Vikes by 2. They were totally unprepared to actually play a high flying offense like the Bills.
\nThe AFC is just more elite conference
\nThe commander need to lose out ,we are in danger situation but Commander schedule is not good either,eagle very good, falcon need rest,cowboy is on fire
\nSeeing so many QBs rushing, why didn't we do any of that on Thursday?
\nJust counting down the days until next September.
\nApril could be fun too, depending on our draft position
\nJets winning when they should be tanking...
\nWhy are the chiefs so lucky?
\nThere was no way in hell the Saints were going to score the 2 pt. conversion to win the game, because that was something that might remotely benefit the 49ers
\nbenefit the 49ers? for draft position?
\nOne of the crazy unlikely 0.1% chance scenarios for the 49ers to get the last WC spot is the Commanders, Seahawks and Rams all losing out, and the 49ers winning out
\nlol. 49ers ain't winning out, those other three teams ain't losing out and if the 49ers snuck into the playoffs they'd get embarrassed with the way they've looked this season.
\n\nIt's just not the year.
\nMy point. It's over, but literally nothing whatsoever has gone the 49ers way this season.
\nwe need help to go to playoff
\nKC starting to get on Seattle level of luck when they had Russ and Pete.
\nThe afc is comically bad
\nCleveland can\u2019t get out of their own way
\nJameis throwing the ball to the other team in the end zone (twice) when they have a perfectly good, steady drive going. Looks too familiar
\nThat\u2019s just Jameis being Jameis. I mean the man threw 30 INT in the same season he threw 30 TD. He\u2019s a risk/reward guy. You know what he brings to the table when you start him, and he\u2019s been better than Watson.
\nTheir defense is playing solid. They just can't do crap on offense
\nAnd they keep giving KC the ball in good field position.
\nExactly. 3 turnovers in their own end.
\nI know we need more important picks but if Jeanty is still in the draft at our turn I hope we get him. Shanahan would do some dirty stuff with Jeanty.
\nEspecially since the Cowboys are the current favorites to get him.
\nI don\u2019t mind it tbh, we are pretty good at getting value later on.
\n\nProvided we get a good Olineman from free agency as well.
\nI don\u2019t watch that much college football so genuine question. How much of it is him being great and his o line doing a great job?
\nI\u2019m not entirely sure but Boise State did an amazing job nearly upsetting the Oregon defense (which has played well with Dan Lanning coaching the team). So I\u2019d say the OL is pretty good but Jeanty is also a dawg.
\nChiefs playing dirty again; Miles Garrett poked in the eye, and no penalty called
\nBut Mahomes signaled for medical help. Truly a modest man! /s
\nI'm surprised how many players continue to not wear visors, for exactly this reason. Hope Garrett is ok!
\nWhat\u2019s worse is that cowboys might have a better record than us.
\nWorse pick. They\u2019re not making the playoffs
\nThat PI on cinci ffs the league is so inconsistent
\nAdam Peters has just cooked beyond belief for the commanders. I\u2019m aware of all the hype they already have but I don\u2019t think everyone\u2019s really absorbed how fast shits changed for them, since we\u2019ve had multiple examples of it the last couple seasons and kinda have been spoiled (Lions, Texans) it\u2019s challenging af to do that
\nIn a way it's kind of nice watching football without stressing about playoffs however, the disappointment still lingers
\nAt some point you just have to detach and not care, it's easier that way
\nReverse Picard and say "Disengage"
\nSo much for the Browns getting lucky
\nLooks like Bad Jameis today
\nHoping the Browns get lucky and upset the Chiefs. But I expect the Bills/Lions to be a good game. Too bad it\u2019s same time as Steelers/Eagles as that\u2019s another game I\u2019d like to watch.
\n\nHouston has Dolphins/Texans and Cowboys/Panthers for early games. Like really? \ud83e\udd2e
\nI just want one good hit on Mahomes from Garrett
\nCan next season just start already?
\nCan we wait until our guys are healed up ?
\nThey probably won\u2019t all be healthy until 2026\ud83d\ude14
\nId rather clean the house than watch football on Sundays. There's too much pain there now.
\nMy wife loves the fact that I wrapped outstanding projects before the holidays.
\nSo who do we need to win to improve our draft position?
\nCurrently we\u2019re pick 13.
\n\nLas Vegas Raiders
New York Giants
New England Patriots
Carolina Panthers
Jacksonville Jaguars
Tennessee Titans
New York Jets
Cleveland Browns
Chicago Bears
Cincinnati Bengals
New Orleans Saints
Dallas Cowboys
San Francisco 49ers
Miami Dolphins
Indianapolis Colts
Atlanta Falcons
Arizona Cardinals
Los Angeles Rams
Tampa Bay Buccaneers
Washington Commanders
Los \u00c1ngeles Chargers
Denver Broncos
Seattle Seahawks
Baltimore Ravens
Houston Texans
Green Bay Packers
Pittsburgh Steelers
Minnesota Vikings
Buffalo Bills
Philadelphia Eagles
Kansas City Chiefs
Detroit Lions
Well i sure as shit won't be routing for the browns or the cowboys to win. I'm enjoying the dumpster fire that is Aaron Rodgers so that probably out for me too. The rest I'm ok with them winning... or not whatever. ;)
\nRealistically anyone with 5-7 wins. None of the 10 2-3 win teams are going to go on a run
\nWe still doing this huh?
\nThe 49ers played on Thursday Night Football this week. Use this thread to discuss this Sunday's slate of games.
The 49ers played on Thursday Night Football this week. Use this thread to discuss this Sunday's slate of games.