Debating between AOW3 or AOW4 while holding off on Civ 7 (or open to other suggestions as well)
I first got into 4X in general via Civ 6, back in 2022 when all expansions were 80% off, and sunk over 1000 hours into it across the Switch and PC. Later on I got into Old World, so far 900 hours into it, REALLY like the narrative events system.
I will get Civ 7 eventually, but ideally in 1-2 years when they've released everything and put it all on mega sale (and overhaul all the current issues, my god).
In the meantime, I'm looking for something new to play, but I don't really know what other series are within the 4X genre. From what I learned through osmosis, the "civ-killers" like Humankind, Millenia and Ara: History Untold have weaknesses that knock them down a fair bit, either too much micro, bad execution on gameplay structures, or just half baked one way or another.
I tried Crusader Kings as well, since it's tangential to Old World. But the lack of a definite goal and endgame is not for me: I like having a specific wincon that ends the game, like Science or Culture Victory, or even just winning by score, but CK you just play infinitely. This applies to most Paradox 4X games I feel, like EU4, Victoria 3, Anno,...
I first knew of AOW via Spiffing Brit's videos, I liked the general aesthetics of 4 from what I've seen, and the fantasy theme of it is up my alley. Feels like the default leaning would be try out AOW4.
However, I'm also considering AOW3, since it's cheaper and "more polished, while 4 is a WIP", via various comments and reviews. I don't know how hard or easy each of them are, but it seems 3 has a campaign/story mode to help you learn the game, while 4 is much more sandbox/customizable.
My gut says AOW3 since it's a more complete experience (albeit older), but if AOW4 is genuinely a huge modern entry that improves in every way worth the investment, then I'm down.
Can you guys sell me on either AOW3 or 4? Or something different completely? I'm also open to suggestions, as long as they meet my general preferences listed below:
My preferences are:
- Complete package: I want a full-fledged experience, not a buggy messy game that still needs patching like Civ 7 currently
- (Relatively) easier to learn and play for the first time: this is my first entry into the AOW series, so I'd like to get a good grasp of fundamentals before being inundated with 500 customizations.
- Lots of replayability: I lean towards roguelikes and 4x because they can be replayed forever, with lots of ways to play.
- Turn-based, not RTS: For 4x games, I want time to think and look through my options
- Graphics: I like Civ 6 because of the vibrant colors, you can tell what's a campus and what's a theatre square from a mile away. AOW4 looks amazing while AOW3 looks closer to Civ 5 which is perfectly fine. Not a huge deal either way.
- (Optional) Can be completed in one sitting: I've spend days just to complete 200 turns of Civ 6. If possible I'd like a game that can be finished in one sitting of 4-5 hours. I know of Hexarchy that kinda does this, but it's too basic, I got bored of it after less than 10 hours.
Thank you everyone, happy gaming