Anyone else hate romance books too?

Ever since becoming a feminist, I’ve had my eyes open to just how dehumanising and derogatory heteronormative relationship dynamics can be especially on a woman. It’s crazy that now I can’t even really consume most fictional media anymore because I am just so painfully aware of the misogyny permeating it.

I’ve read a few romance books here and there and I just absolutely cannot stand the romance in these books. It’s always very toxic to me, some strong buff man claiming a woman as ‘his’ and acting in strange ways because of it. It just seems very strange to me? Especially the whole dark romance tropes.

I’m not sure how to word my thoughts as it’s more a vibe that I get from reading it, but romance books always seem to permeate heteronormative relationship dynamics in their stories like submissiveness and dominance etc. When in my opinion a healthy relationship should be an equal one where they are partners, who see each other as equal human beings worthy of respect care and compassion.

In these books it feels more like their is not an equal dynamic between them, it’s unbalanced and you know how male relationships can be. But the kind of relationships I hope to see in these books just don’t seem to be come across very often by me personally in my experience. I think the kind of romantic relationship I like is when the pair is a team and they treat eachother with care like bestfriends would. The best ship that comes to mind is cristoph and anna from frozen, they both kind of work together and cristoph sees and values anna’s goals and helps her to accomplish them but he also stands up for himself and his reindeer when need be. They both work together and there’s no odd control/power dynamic between them. They just seem like a really good pair who make it work.

But yeah I’m gonna leave this post here I don’t know what else to write I sort of just wanted to see if anyone else noticed this