60 Days In (Jaclin and Stephanie)

NSFW (swearing)

This is just my two cents on the situation but I want to see if others share the same opinion!

I just binge watched the 60 Days In season that was on Netflix (season 4), not even going to take time to address what Angele did as I’m sure she knows now it was so stupid. I’m also going to brush over Stephanie because her making it a competition was ridiculous and she did a lot wrong. With that being said I CANTTTT stand Jaclin, and I just saw the reunion, so Jaclin if you see this and want to handle it like people do on the outside come find me LOL.

First off, it’s tragic what happened with Jaclin losing her daughter so I very much feel for her. But at the same time it doesn’t feel genuine. She claims she doesn’t want people judging her or putting her down yet she keeps coming on TV to talk about it? There’s one thing of raising awareness for the dangers of co-sleeping but it’s another to go onto random reality TV shows and talking about it. Also, the fact in the 60 Days reunion she tried to say Stephanie was in it to be on TV… but Jaclin hunny you were on Dr. Phil before 60 Days, then 60 Days, then Naked and Afraid? What’s the next reality show we’ll see you on?

The issues between Jaclin and Stephanie I can’t stand. I don’t think what Stephanie did was right throwing Jaclin under the bus like that, but also, Jaclin left because she was afraid of everyone beating her up. But she couldn’t sympathize with the fact Stephanie didn’t want to be LOCKED in the same cell as that Swole girl overnight? In my opinion it’s Jaclin’s fault. You’re in JAIL, not the school yard, you don’t tell a guard someone’s being bullied, nobody gives a fuck and you look like a little girl. She made Stephanie a HUGE target first, especially because Stephanie didn’t ask her to say anything to the guards, she only asked to stay in Jaclins room. So Jaclin cried and victimized herself but she put Stephanie in harm way before. Jaclin claims to care for Stephanie and that they are friends, but that’s so not true. If I was in Jaclins position first off I wouldn’t say anything about anyone being bullied, but I definitely would have understood her saying that it was all me. (Technically it literally was all Jaclin because Stephanie never even used the word bullying). Also, Stephanie did get back lash for not backing Jaclin, she still stayed. Jaclin left because she was scared and that’s her own fault. Although Stephanie was weird as fuck for making it a competition and for being happy Jaclin left. But I just can’t back Jaclin at all.

She screamed in the reunion talking about fighting Stephanie, saying Stephanie’s a little girl, and swearing like a trucker, but Jaclin was the one acting ridiculous. Jaclin again if you’re reading this you are the one who acted like a little girl. Stephanie at least remained calm. You already lost one daughter, and this is now the example you want to show for your other daughter? Acting like a fool on TV? Saying you’ll beat someone’s ass? Again, I invite you come find me and handle me like they do on the streets. No offence but you’re all bark and no bite, you act like white trash. You could’ve owned your part and said look I get it it’s jail but you Stephanie didn’t have my back and that’s stupid because we’re on the same side. That would have had a much bigger impact then looking like some drunk girl screaming.

Also Jaclin was so biased, had so much to say about Stephanie doing whippets and acting like an inmate, but didn’t care about Angele’s behaviour? And I hate to say it Jaclin but Stephanie did a better job than you because she actually fit in. From the start people were suspecting Jaclin because of how she acted, at least Stephanie fit in.

The whole season was ridiculous with the way the females acted, but I can’t stand how everyone is saying Jaclin was so great this and that when she is worse than Stephanie in my opinion. All she did was go around crying to everyone complaining, and then when she chose to leave she blames it on someone else. Like hunny, you didn’t need to snitch to an officer saying someone is being bullied. That isn’t having Stephanie’s back, that’s putting a target on her.

All the girls were so bad for the show, not sure why any of them were “hand selected.” But all I can say is I hope your 15 minutes of fame (on three different shows) has been great Jaclin. Get over yourself, and do something productive for the world in regards to co sleeping awareness, reality TV shows don’t help in anyway honour your daughters legacy. And also, learn how to compose yourself.

P.S. I have been to jail, so I’m not speaking without any experience.