I’m nervous about college due to my gpa, will the ACT save me?
While I scored a 29 on the ACT, I’m horrified about college admissions. My gpa as of currently is a 2.1 cumulatively. This was not of my doing as I was being threatened by another student and it was causing me severe anguish. I’ll spare you the details, but needless to say, my school did not care and refused to grade any assignments I did because I was absent despite my doctor ordering my leave. On top of this, they refused to excuse these absences. How I avoided truancy court is a mystery but needless to say, my gpa has suffered a massive blow. I take the ACT again in March, will a better score assist with the college admissions/acceptance process?
Edit: It is worth noting that I’m still in my junior year and my gpa is not finalized. As someone who has improved since then, my gpa is definitely going to grow once my junior year grades are factored in. If it helps any at all, I take AP English.
Edit 2: For those of you telling me to take accountability, you don’t know the people who did this, the people who witnessed this, and the people who have treated and continue to treat my mental health issues regarding this. Something you’re also unaware of is the fact that this was only 3/4 of my freshman year, my sophomore and junior years have been an upward trend. My transcript reflects growth, not apathy and general lack of concern about my grades. I wish I didn’t have to explain these things every time some salty ass “erm actually ☝️🤓 you’re at fault because you stopped trying” popped up in the comments of this post. Not to mention, my final junior year gpa hasn’t been calculated yet, so I may not be absolutely doomed applying to college. A 2.1 is just what I have currently. My junior gpa is projected to be a 3.8, as that’s what I’ve earned for the first 2 quarters of junior year. Again, not to mention, I completed every assignment freshman year and assumed it would be graded. It wasn’t. So please get your facts straight before coming on here and shaming me for something that I did my best to prevent and solve.