AITA for not wanting my boyfriend anywhere near my pets after what his parents told me?
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This a throwaway account because my boyfriend also has Reddit but he doesn't follow this thread. Just in case though.
I 24F have been dating my boyfriend 23M for two years. We met at an animal shelter when I was looking to adopt my now third dog. Our love for animals is what originally drew us to each other. We talked for several months before we started dating and I met his parents pretty soon after we decided to make it official.
We do not live with each other but we do visit each other quite often, we have talked about it and agreed to give it more time before we take that step. That time eventually came when we decided we should take that step. I went over to talk to his parents while he was at work to discuss it with them. They seemed pretty happy about it that we were finally taking that serious step. Everything was going well until I mentioned that I live with a few pets and that they would be coming with me. I have three dogs, two cats, and a turtle. That's where their faces changed. They asked me if their son knew about them and if I trusted their son to be with them. it was an odd question but nothing worried me more than the look they gave me after I answered their question.
The mom told me that the reason they didn't have any pets was because their son would end up killing them. He would unalive any animal that he came across when he was in his teenage years. The father told me " he wouldn't have a reason to do it, he would just do it and then throw them away" I was horrified. I could not wrap my head around it. They continued to tell me about all the pets they used to have. They said that he stopped when he was 17 and that they think he grew out of it. I simply thanked them for letting me know and left.
I still love the man but now I don't know what to feel. I postponed moving in together with the excuse that my lease ends soon and that I wanted to wait till then. He has asked to come over and I've declined and the times where I have let him I have asked a friend to watch over my pets. He has asked about them stating that he misses them. He has brought food and new toys for them which makes me feel bad for not wanting him near them. When he does come by to visit and I can't find a babysitter to watch over them I would keep a close eye on him and I would actively go out of my way to keep my pets away from him.
Ever since his parents told me I lived with the thought that one day he would unalive them. He hasn't shown any signs of wanting to hurt them. He has been great with them and my cat even sits on his lap when he is over. But now I do not want him anywhere near them. AITA?????