AITAH for calling the teacher on someone that pulled a suicide card
Alt account for anonymity
TW (Suicide)
Me (under 18) and my friend A are close. However, for a while, I noticed they were a very jealous and clingy type which I didn't really mind for a while. However, it got to a point where every time I talked to/hung out with another friend, A would get jealous.
They'd ask me about my "friends ranking system" repeatedly and is overall a very insecure person.
They treated me like an object they owned, always controlling what I can or cannot do, always asking me where I am and who I'm hanging out with. They mentioned that whenever they get angry, they throw a tantrum to "make other people feel what im feeling."
Once after something didn't go their way they got super mad and after school I tried to comfort them but they only insulted me by calling me annoying, busybody, insufferable and a loudmout, that shit hurt. Today they even admitted that they like using me to make themselves feel better they quote on quote said that "my anger links and connects with you" which for me i interpreted as "I use you when im throwing a tantrum"
Today, I ended school around evening time and reached home after the sun set. Something came up with my family and I went to deal with it at home (I didnt even shower until 9pm). I received multiple text messages from A demanding a reply like an entitled prick because "I'm your friend" whilst I was consoling a family member. I got annoyed and told them that i am NOT obligated to reply within the minute ESPECIALLY when I'm doing something very important.
However, A simply couldn't or refused to understand and instead went on about how I'm a horrible friend that always avoids them but from my point of view I always talk to them.
I took the chance to just be blunt and confronted them about the jealousy part and they just told me their whole sob story (not the first time) and never really addressed what I said ;/
They still haven't ever apologised for lashing out at me when I tried to comfort them (mentioned above) despite me bringing it up multiple times and they think their all righteous and stuff about it.
Eventually they pulled the suicide card (not implied they straight up said it) and i decided to put an end to it and told my dad and called up the teacher.
AITAH for having enough and drawing a line at the threat of suicide?
TLDR: Clingy needy friend pushed me to my limit, pulled the suicide card and I called the school about it