Should I get the RG406H or RG556?
Hi, Im trying to decide which device in going to get, I want to emulate more harder to run games, like Nintendo 64, PSP, PS2 and gamecube, maybe some Nintendo Wii and Switch games also some 3ds games
iv been watching several retro games channels on YouTube and also read alot of reviews of devices, but the handheld jungle is big 😅
I do have narrowed down to two devices, the RG406H and the RG556, I have heard the sticks is alot better on the 406H and that may matter if in going to play alot of games with the sticks, In not tech savy, so fixing the sticks on 556 can be hard for me to do. If there is any other devices that will fit the systems I want to emulate please throw in some recommendations :)
I can get the rg556 used for about $237and the 406h for about $231 and some taxes straight from anbernic website
I do have Miyoo Mini Plus that I use for older systems, also have modable Switch I plan to mod in the future and Nintendo 3DS XL i plan to mod. So if the device is not good at those systems Indonhabe then at home
This got a bit long, Hope someone can help me decide 😊