Who, in your opinion, is the best "villain with authority" in Ace Attorney?

There's a bunch of villains in the series, who are at some position of authority where their powers make it harder to catch them as compared to a normal criminal. It's a bit of a finicky style of villain; it can sometimes be comically grating, but when done well can make the villains feel much more intimidating. I believe these are all the villains that would fall in this category:

Damon Gant, Garan, Quercus Alba, Bronco Knight and "Di-Jun Wang", Fifi Laguarde (kinda), Excelsius Winner, Mael Stronghart.

With which character do you think they did this character trope the best? Also, what are your opinions in general about this style of villains as opposed to the more "grounded" villains?