How are people 21-24 affording rent, luxury items and so many vacations?

I recently graduated university. Needless to say, it was fucking hard.

I recently got a new job in my field of study that’s full time. I work M to F and I have a second job that I work only Sundays. So I work 6 days a week. I barely have any time for myself but I know I gotta do it.

Yet I see people that are 21-24 always going on vacations and have the latest cars???? Do people not work full time? How can they just pick up and leave their jobs for multiple weeks within the year? Are they making 100k a year at such a young age?

I’m not even necessarily comparing myself to them, but I’m just so confused how tf people so young are affording this lavish lifestyle?? I would understand 30+ because I feel like at those ages, it’s more likely for people to be established but I feel like I’m just starting out of my life and yet, people 21 are on resorts multiple times a month, drive BMWs/Mercedes Benz, have a condo/apartment, etc?? Am I missing something??

Edit: woah not to be predictable as fuck, but I was not expecting this to get so much attention LOL! Thank you for all the reassuring comments and replies. Call me naive but I didn’t realize people my age had so much help from parents and were balls deep in debt! Huge wake up call!