I have no drive in life
Idk if I’m just a broken person or what’s wrong with me but it’s been like this since I was a kid, I just don’t have any motivation in me. I definitely wanna be an interesting person, go out there and try things out, but I always talk myself out of it. Idk if it’s the self doubt, laziness, or what it is but it’s a constant internal battle. I almost never wanna do more than the bare minimum and I hate that about myself.
I see all these people my age around me going to all these events, joining all these clubs, some even STARTING their own clubs, and here I am just going to work then going home, while occasionally going out with friends at a bar on weekends. I feel like I’m wasting my 20’s. I don’t wanna look back on this “prime” time of my life wishing I could’ve done more.
My thing is I don’t even know where to start. I definitely need a hobby outside of just taking walks around the lake on my off days, that’s definitely helped me reach my fitness goal but I wanna do something that’ll improve me. I’ll also admit part of the reason I even wanna pick up a hobby is so I can take my mind off this girl from work. I’ve been deep in the mental trenches trying to get over her and obviously having nothing to do outside of work leaves a shit ton of time to keep thinking about her.
I’ve been thinking about this for some time but it all really clicked today, I don’t wanna spend my 20’s just wasting away, being sad over girls, not knowing how to do shit cause that’s weak as hell. I’m 23 and feel like I should be doing better, like I’m not living up to my full potential. Plus having all these people around me doing all these interesting things makes me feel even more worthless. I gotta pick up some hobbies, finding something that interests me enough to dedicate time off work to do it is the hard part though.