Ex's girlfriend messaging me.

So I need advice on how to go about this. She added me on Facebook out of nowhere today. I have never met this girl, she's not from our town. The only reason I knew it was her, is because when I got the request I went to her profile pictures and scrolled one over and there was my ex with her. So it clicked. I accepted the request as I knew for her to be sending me this, she wanted to message me for whatever reason. (I assumed it was something terrible) I was spot on.

From time to time I would think to myself leading up to this looking back on my past, "wow I sure feel terrible for the next girl he rips apart". Then I would have the "but MAYBE he finally got his life together." Nope. I knew better.

She messages me saying she has questions like, "did he abuse me mentally and physically as well? Did he steal, lie, and go behind your back constantly? Did he threaten to absolutely destroy your very existence if you ever thought about leaving? " Of course he did. Which I told her straight up. He's a textbook narcissist, he's evil. There's no soul there. He only cares about himself and his next high.(he is a shit human without the drugs as well)

The issue here is, he got her to move to our town 2 hours away from her home, living with his sister, AND she has a small toddler, a boy. She said he attacked her while her child was in her arms, and as she attempted to kick him away she slipped and ended up hitting her own child. He has since threatened to call CPS and call her job to have her fired if she thinks about leaving him.

I told her this was nothing that was her fault, and that any love or respect she hopes to gain from him she will NEVER receive it. It's all a game for him and relationships are tools to be used and abused for his own advantage.

My question here is, what do I do? It's obvious she wants to keep talking to me. I've been in her position. Cut off from all friends and family, just looking for someone, anyone to relate to. But too ashamed and afraid to ask straight forward for help. She says she wants to leave but has to somehow get an apartment first....I don't know. I'm afraid for her. I'm afraid she won't leave. She doesn't understand. I was with him for 6 years( I was also in active addiction and have been clean going on 5 years now) she's been with him a year. He has gotten on top of me out of the blue and choked me until I saw stars, both hands around my throat clenching harder and harder looking into my eyes and I swung my fists upside of his head. His best friend at the time picked him up off of me. Mind you, he's SMALL. About 5'2 100 pounds. (I was NEVER afraid to fight back, but never once physically hurt him unless it was self defense after being attacked.) Had I not been an addict I would have never dealt with his shit, but I was in a disgusting place mentally and hated myself. I take full responsibility for who I was then and what I allowed. I'm just so afraid for her and her son. She is clearly not an addict, and is being used by him to feed his greed. Please help, any advice appreciated. Thank you to anyone who takes the time to read this.