Family; wife hates all my family.

Situation. I'm 40. Been with my wife for 18 years, married for 11. We have a house and 3 young kids. Life is busy! Im never going to fit half of the problems in one post, but essentially my parents gave my wife a hard time when we first met, never apologised and we got through it. Had some lovely years getting along when we were child-free. Then kids came along, parents didnt make much effort early on to see the kids. As the kids grew up, my mum agreed to have the kids for a day a week, provided we took them there. My mums a bit of a narcissit, but would never be able to see that she is. My dads a lazy, argumentative, pig headed type of guy with a big heart... long story short. My wife has tried for years to be the instigator of bringing our families together and pushing the kids onto my parents to create a bond. Now she wants nothing to with my parents anymore as shes fed up of trying, and my parents cant understand whats wrong with her.

Its complicated, theres obviously So Much more to it... but anyone got any advice? My mum said she wants a relationship with us as adults (kids aside). But my wife is DONE... what do I do?