Is this a good text message to this situation if i want to try again with my ex? how would you react if u got this text
just wanna say me and her are still talking but “friends” i think tbh idk
hey im sorry to say this and i don’t know how you’ll feel or react about this but i need some space for a few days. i wanna say this first, i dont wanna have you stop talking to me or think its best if we never talk again, like block me or un add me or anything, i dont want any of that to happen, thats the last thing i want. But anyway i was up really late last night just thinking about everything. I really did have lots of fun on thursday mini golfing, even tho you kicked my ass again, but i’m gonna win one of the next times. it’s just that everything that happened makes doesn’t make sense. Before we even went you called me after we met up at Konkel and set these rules. you said “i can hug you, put my hand on your leg, hold hands, but NO kissing” But when we went I didn’t initiate anything, you did everything first. when i was driving you grabbed my hand for a bit, then put it on your leg, you cuddled next to me and leaned on me and hugged me when we were inside, you even kept getting really close to my face to see if i would kiss you, like teasing me about it, and i didn’t, you kissed me. i wasn’t going to do any of that first because i respected your rules for this, and im willing to follow them, but you kissed me, even after we finished mini golfing you went on top of me and started making out with me in the car right after. you agreed we can keep the kissing to a minimal, you said you need 2 weeks, 3rd sunday in march we can start to plan to hangout again, not as a date right away but you will let me take you on some and see how everything goes. That you want to take thing slow and do it right this time and not make the same mistakes, and we both agreed. we even were texting each other about invincible, told me goodnight. then the first thing you tell me you need to move on, and you don’t know if you have feelings anymore. how do u expect me to react, especially after everything you did to me the night before. i don’t get why you would do everything you did if you don’t know if you have feelings for me still or not. i really hope you do still have feelings and if you don’t i don’t what you did was so wrong of you. But i’m gonna need to know that eventually. But last night when i called you, you said something about how i keep repeating the same thing over and over, but i want you to realize why i was doing that, it’s becuase of how you’re being towards me. On wednesday you broke up with me, that night you snapped me picture of you cuddling with the bear i got you, sleeping with it. Thursday we meet up at Konkel to talk, you said we can try again in a couple months but not see each other for 2 weeks, we can hangout a few times, then go on dates. later that day you call me saying we can go mini golfing, telling me the rules, i didn’t break any of them. i purposely didn’t because i wanted to see if you did it, and you did do everything, held my hand, put my hand on your leg, cuddling up against me and hugging me, the kissing and making out, texting me after and saying goodnight to me. you are showing very clear signs you are wanting to fix things between us and still have feelings, I can’t think of any other reason to why you would do all of that if you don’t feel the same way i do. then all of a sudden the first thing you say to me on Friday is that you need to move on. I’m repeating myself because of your actions to me and what you are doing I feel like i’m going through an emotional roller coaster. so i’m giving you time to think about everything. i don’t want an answer for quite sometime, 2-4 weeks minimum, longer maybe. doesn’t need a strict time frame. take time. I need to focus on other things and i can’t keep having you change your mind everyday. because you have been. Wednesday you broke up with me, thursday you want us to take things slow and do it right and not have it like last time, be different and change. then Friday you want to move on. I need you to be 100% sure before you give me that answer and like i said i don’t wanna know for a while. we won’t bring this up again for a bit. when we hangout and if you choose to continue the rules we discussed we can still do that, that’s your call. i don’t want you to think this is me saying goodbye or anything because it’s not, i wanna talk to you it’s just hard right now because of everything. But i can promise you i will talk to you soon again and we will still hangout in 2 weeks and if we choose to try again in a few months, we do, if not, then we don’t. i don’t want you to be scared to hurt me and never talk to me again, I know what i’m getting myself into by still being in your life, and i want to be in your life. i just need a day or 2. And I hope you can respect that. Also i don’t want things to be awkward between us after this message. I just would like to talk like normal if we can do that 😂I’ll talk with you soon