Rebound Congestion from nasal spray (Afrin) looking for tips!! At my wits end!!!
Developed a pretty nasty Afrin addiction about 2 years ago. I’ve tried and failed multiple times to get off the stuff and I’m currently the closest I’ve been to kicking it.
Stopped using all nasal spray in my right nostril 6 days ago. Just about to the 48 hour mark on the left side. Here is where my frustration lies:
Both nostrils are to the point where they are seemingly normal throughout the day. Even if lay down for a quick nap in the afternoon I stay fairly clear. Once I’m approaching bedtime all hell breaks loose. Both sides swell up completely when I’m getting ready for bed.
If I get up and walk around they will eventually clear right back up (walking outside into the cold helps this even more). The second my head hits the pillow they swell right back up to almost 100% blockage.
Dr. gave me a small script for prednisone, I’ve been using Sudafed during the day, and I’m rinsing with saline every few hours.
Averaging about 3 hours of sleep a night according to my tracker and I’m at my wits end. Next appt isn’t for another week.
Any ideas, tips, advice for why this might be happening?