AIO: dropping my friend because she judged me for crying
i made this account as i dont want my friend to find this because we are in the same community. I (F17) went on a trip with my grandparents and my friend (F17) to my grandparents holiday home for a week. After the week was over my grandparents dropped us off at the airport so we could go home as they were staying there for another 1-2 months. When they were saying goodbye to us at the departure gate I got really emotional because I wouldn't be seeing them for a while and l'm really close with them. At the time my friend didn't say anything to me about it but this morning after messaging her goodmorning she sent me that message and honestly I was offended. I ended our friendship over it and now after sitting down and thinking about I'm starting to think I jumped to that decision too fast and I'm regretting it. What do you guys think?