AITA… Am I the asshole for unplugging my husband’s Xbox in the middle of a game
Final edit (sorry for making this longer): Thank you guys again for all of the respectful and insightful responses. This is my first time posting here and it given me so many perspectives to reflect on. We are both learning and growing every day. He can learn to be more mindful and when to set priorities. I can learn when to take a step back and have a conversation with a clearer head. We have been together for 5 years but we are still newlyweds. We are not perfect and we will continue to learn from our mistakes.
Edit: for all those telling me to divorce or leave my husband… it’s not THAT serious guys. We are human, we all have our asshole moments. In my opinion, this is his. I’ve had plenty. I do think that he was an ass in this moment and he needs to work on his priorities sometimes. Thank you to all of your RESPECTFUL and funny comments!
I (28 y/o female) got home from work this afternoon and when I walked in the door, I saw that my husband (27 y/o male) was gaming. (Edit to say he does work, he works from home and this was after the work day) I said hello, he told me he’s making dinner tonight, we chatted for a bit, I gave him a kiss and walked into the kitchen.
When I walked into the kitchen, I noticed there was a pack of raw chicken sitting on the counter. The chicken was from Costco, so it is the bulk one that has 8 individual packs all connected. When I took a look, I noticed that my husband had cut two chicken breasts out of the pack for dinner, but left the rest sitting on the counter and proceeded to start a game. He didn’t even cut the individual pack out of the group, so there were chicken juices leaking on to the counter…. The counter that is right next to the refrigerator.
I asked him why he left all of this raw chicken sitting on the counter and decided to go game before picking it up. He said because he forgot and kind of blew me off. If this was a one time thing, fine. But we have had so many conversations about making sure he is taking care of priorities before beginning to game. It has been a struggle.
I asked him to clean it up, he said he would, and I went in the room to change. When I came out of our room 15 minutes later, I noticed that the chicken was still on the counter. When I asked him why it was still there, he said he was still in the middle of the game and he would pick it up when he was done. I told him that he said tht 15 minutes ago and who knows how long it had been out prior to me getting home.
I asked again to go clean it up quick and put the chicken away. His response? “Aren’t you full of sunshine” I asked him “what did you say?” And he said “did I stutter”?
So I did it. I unplugged his Xbox in the middle of the game, walked away, cleaned up the mess he made and put the chicken in the fridge.
I understand that my actions were childish and that I could have cleaned it up myself from the beginning. But I was so frustrated to come home from work to him gaming, the house is a mess (which I didn’t even bring up), huge pack of raw chicken and chicken juice on the counter and on top of that, the way he spoke to me. I just lost it.
I do feel bad for losing my cool and deciding to unplug his game versus just walking away… but am I the asshole?