AITA for leaving my dad’s birthday dinner after overhearing my sister’s comment about my miscarriage?
A few months ago me (28f) and my sister “Eva” (33f) realized that we were both pregnant (I’d say she was about 6 weeks further than I was). She’s been struggling with infertility, so we were all happy for her. I have an older son (2m) with my husband (32m).
Sadly, a couple weeks ago I lost my baby. We told my family. They were all supportive, but I did sort of pull away from them. They would’ve tried to avoid discussing Eva’s baby around me, but I didn’t want to overshadow her, especially since she’s wanted this for a long time. I also didn’t want to be reminded of my own loss whenever I saw her.
So I haven’t been to my parents’ place for Sunday dinner since or really spent time with Eva, which we had been doing a lot before. I replied vaguely to any messages about my absence, wasn’t the best communication from me.
Yesterday my parents were hosting family dinner for my dad’s birthday. I’d been thinking about going because I missed my family, and while of course the pain of losing my child has not faded, I’m at a point where I can at least put it a little to the side to be there for my sister and my new niece (when she is born).
So I let my family know that we would be coming. However, we had to get a gift for my dad and then my son had a bit of a tantrum, so we got to my parents’ place about an hour late. I wished my dad and then went to the kitchen, where my mom, Eva, and my SILs were.
But before I went in, I heard them say my name so I stopped. My mom was saying something like “Well I guess [OP]’s not coming” and Eva said “What did you expect, she probably changed her mind and is just staying home again. Honestly, I’m sorry for her but you would think she was the first woman to ever lose a kid. And it’s not even her first kid.” They then kept talking about other things, but I just wanted to leave.
I went and got my husband, who was with my BIL, dad, and brothers in the living room. I told my dad I was really sorry but we needed to go. They all protested, but my husband could see how upset I was so he didn’t. We got my son and left.
When we got home, I just kind of cried for a while. My husband asked me what happened and I told him. He was angry that she said that, but thought we shouldn’t have abruptly left because my dad had been looking forward to seeing us, and my son missed his cousins.
After this, I was feeling conflicted. Later my brother texted me saying my dad had been really upset about us leaving and brought it up at dinner, which caused a whole fight because mom and Eva realized that I must’ve heard them talking, and my dad was mad about it. My brother said that it was pretty bad and he wished I had just stayed so none of it would’ve happened, obviously Eva didn’t mean for me to hear that, they were all just frustrated that I’d been AWOL for so long.
Now I feel bad, because I didn’t mean to ruin dinner. Obviously what Eva said was hurtful, but I can see how my actions might have led to her saying something out of anger, and I could’ve talked to her about it later instead of just leaving. Idk, AITA?
ETA for additional context:
My family is the type to just drop by at each other’s places and see one other multiple times throughout the week besides just Sunday dinner. Lately I’ve been kind of fielding off any requests for people to visit. I just want to I guess emphasize how close my family is and how abnormal it is for me to not be seeing them regularly even for a little bit. I haven’t been ghosting them, but I just text them saying “I’m not feeling up to it” for dinner and kind of leave it there.
My sister and my mom have always been closer to each other, as have me and my dad. Additionally, my brothers are closer to her since they’re all closer in age.
I mentioned this in a comment, but we didn’t text anyone saying we were going to be late since my family is usually pretty lax about time (me and my husband usually show up early though so it’s unusual for us to be late and might’ve been why they thought we weren’t coming). Also my son was continuing to be a handful all the way there so that kept us busy and we kind of didn’t think about notifying anyone.
I’ve started looking into grief counseling, now that I feel like I can at least talk about it.
As far as she’s told us, my sister hasn’t had a miscarriage before, she just had trouble getting pregnant to begin with.
From what my brother told me, my sister and mom didn’t admit to saying anything, they just kind of looked at each other once my dad mentioned me leaving, and he noticed and asked about it. Then one of my SILs who was also in the kitchen (my other brother’s wife) mentioned what they said and my dad got mad. My other brother was also apparently angry with them and it just turned into my mom and sister trying to defend themselves, my dad and other brother yelling, and my brother (who texted me) trying to stay out of it.