AITA for telling my mom I don't particularly care either way about some she posted on Facebook?

I dont use Facebook often, maybe a few minutes a week at most. It's the only social media my mom has so she frequently asks me if I saw something she posted and what I think. I have told her many times I dont ever look at Facebook. Today, it was a weird techno sea shanty and after I said I hadn't seen it she them played it for me. It was bad but it was good and if given the choice I wouldn't listen to it again. Just not my style. I shrugged and said "huh". She got annoyed and said I was being rude. I told her I just didnt feel one way or the other about it. She then listed off all the reasons why it was so good, but they were all a matter of opinion. I listened politely and again said "it just isn't my style." Am I the asshole? How should I respond to something someone shows me that they think is cool but I really couldn't care less about.