McDonald’s is better than base. The math:

I suck at English and grammar, but I get math. Here’s that math below:

McDonald’s is better than taking base pay on amazon flex and it’s not close. I’m convinced people think they are making a substantially better living, but it’s actually a $7000 a year benefit for base pay takers to just run the drive through at mickeydees. Here’s why.

McDonald’s is usually in the $15/h range, so let’s say $120 per day. This is assuming you never get a raise or promotion. At 40 hours works out to $600

Mcdonalds typically offers some kind of low end PTO/sick day /health insurance, though not in every case.

Many people have a McDonald’s within 3 miles of their home, so I won’t factor in gas as it’s negligible.

With amazon flex, theres not always 8 hours of work but let’s pretend there is. There’s also no such thing as advancement or a promotion. 8h x $16 an hour = $128 per day, .(yes I know base is slightly different elsewhere) or $640 a week.

Average mileage per hour with amazon, I’ve noticed, is about 20. So about 160 miles per day or 800 miles per week.

Let’s say you have a fuel efficient 30mpg car. With gas around $3.70, that’s 5.33 gallons of gas for about $20 of gas a day or $100 a week. Already, McDonald’s is a better pure profit. With McDonald’s at $600 weekly and amazon at at amazon at $540 a week

I haven’t even talked about how 800 miles a week, or 40,000 miles per year on your car is obliterating its value, hurrying along oil changes, tire wear, and typical repairs cars need.

Working at McDonald’s, you might get 8-10 years from a vehicle. Working for amazon flex, youre not likely to get more than 4. So now you have a 15,000 expenditure every 4 years instead of 8. That has to be factored into compensation. $15,000 over 8 years is about $1900 a year,

McDonald’s 40 hours a week (at $15) 52 weeks a year = $31,200

Amazon flex 40 hours a week (at base $16) 52 weeks a year = $33,280.

Minus gas (about $5200 per year) $28,080)

Minus a $1900 car cost per year over 8 years. (One car needed with McDonald’s permission 8 years, two needed with amazon)


I haven’t even discussed your insurance cost doubling if you’re honest with your car insurance about doing delivery work.

One last concern. We know there are many times where work isn’t available. Regardless… just holding out for a small increase to $24 an hour surges would change this math from 33280 net to $49920, now do your deductions, and you’re still at $43020, substantially more valuable than McDonald’s work.

$24 an hour is a low number to hold out for…. But If you’re driving for base, you’re effectively making $11 an hour. $12.50 an hour. You’re robbing yourself.