From insulting me to potentially threatening me…
I have posted about this issue once before but figured I’d add an update. A week or two ago I turned up for my block, parked in my assigned bay and once was given the go ahead I started loading my car. Another flex driver (an African American woman) in the bay next to me threw her packages on the ground, approached me and told me she got a shit route, informing me that it was apparently my fault that she got a bad route. I asked her to clarify what she meant since routes are randomly assigned and she told me that I was a little bitch, and to go back to my own country, then pointed at her Trump hat (I’m British for context, been living in California for just over a year) she repeatedly called me a little bitch throughout the entire duration of loading my car and continued under her breath telling me to go back to my own country. (I ignored her completely because she is an older woman, probably late 50s early 60s and I didn’t want to get j to with her and she play the race card)
Once I had loaded my vehicle I exited the Amazon warehouse, drive around the corner of their building to text a family member about what had happened, and she decided to follow me, pull up beside me and stick her middle finger up, then proceeded to point at her Trump hat again.
Fast forward to yesterday, bear in mind I reported her to Amazon and gave them her license plate, she’s still not been deactivated or anything and I ended up parked next to her again. She said and I quote “hey man, Iv got something special for you, I didn’t bring it though, I’ll be bringing it another time” I’m not sure if this was a threat or just empty words but seriously lady, you’re an African American woman, who’s race has seen so much hatred and racism in the past and yet you’re telling me to go back to where I came from and calling me a little bitch, telling me you’re gunna “bring something for me” and flipping me off. Some people are just full of hate