Halloween Story. Animal Crossing New Horizons: Lost Souls
Chapter One: The Whispering Wind
The island was quiet as dawn broke, the soft hum of the sea gently lapping at the shore. Alex, the only human Resident, stretched and stepped out of his cottage, breathing in the crisp morning air. It was another peaceful day on the island—a perfect escape from the rush of city life.
As he wandered down the dirt path, Alex waved to K.K. Slider strumming his guitar in the town square. Isabelle was bustling about, tending to flowers, and Tom Nook’s shop was just beginning to open. Everything seemed normal, but Alex felt a sense of unease, like a shadow just out of sight.
Near the museum, Alex noticed Blathers standing outside, looking uncharacteristically unsettled. Alex approached.
‘Good morning, Blathers. Everything alright?’
Blathers adjusted his bowtie, forcing a smile. ‘Oh, yes, quite alright! Just inspecting the… bugs. Yes, those bothersome critters.’ His voice wavered, and Alex noticed his feathers were ruffled.
‘You seem… off,’ Alex insisted, but Blathers quickly excused himself, muttering about donations, and scurried back inside.
Throughout the day, the odd encounters continued. Stitches barely spoke, Tangy looked exhausted, and even Tom Nook was uncharacteristically quiet when Alex visited the shop.
As the sun dipped below the horizon, painting the sky in hues of red and purple, Alex headed back to his cottage. But as he walked down the path, he heard a faint whisper carried on the wind, barely a sound, more like a feeling:
‘Help us…’
Alex froze, heart hammering. The whisper was gone as quickly as it came. He glanced around, but saw no one.
Shaking off the eerie feeling, Alex headed home. But as he reached his door, something glinted in the dirt. Kneeling down, he brushed away the dirt to reveal a rusted metal tag. Engraved on it was a name, barely readable through the grime:
‘David - Resident #013’
Alex frowned. He had never heard of a Resident named David. Maybe a previous inhabitant? But why did the word ‘Resident’ feel ominous?
Pocketing the tag, Alex resolved to ask Tom Nook about it tomorrow. As he turned to head inside, the wind whispered again, clearer this time, more desperate:
‘Don’t let him see you.’
The words sent a chill down Alex’s spine. He hurried inside, locking the door behind him. But even as he lay in bed, trying to sleep, the whisper echoed in his mind, over and over:
‘Don’t let him see you…’
Chapter Two: The Vanishing Records
Morning came, but the unease from the night before hadn’t faded. Alex was determined to get answers, so he set off to Resident Services, hoping Tom Nook could shed light on the mystery.
The island was waking up as usual, but the Villagers seemed different, avoiding eye contact and rushing through their usual routines.
Inside Resident Services, Isabelle greeted Alex with her usual smile, but there was something strained about it. ‘Good morning, Alex! How can I help you?’
‘I found this yesterday,’ Alex said, pulling the metal tag from his pocket. ‘It says “David - Resident #013.” Do you know who that is?’
Isabelle’s smile faltered, but she quickly regained composure. ‘Oh, that must be an old relic from before we established the island! Sometimes things wash up or get dug up. It’s nothing to worry about.’
‘But there’s no David listed on the registry,’ Alex pressed. ‘And the way it says “Resident”—it doesn’t sound like just a visitor.’
Before Isabelle could respond, Tom Nook stepped out from the back office. ‘Is there a problem, Alex?’ His tone was polite, but there was a slight edge to it, as if he already knew what Alex was asking about.
‘I found this tag,’ Alex repeated, handing it over. ‘It looks like it belonged to a previous Resident.’
Tom Nook studied the tag, his face unreadable. ‘Ah, yes. That would be from a long time ago,’ he said finally. ‘This island has had many Residents over the years. Some came and went. But there’s no need to concern yourself with the past. Focus on enjoying your time here, Alex.’
The dismissal was clear, and Alex felt a mix of frustration and suspicion. ‘But—’
‘I insist,’ Tom Nook interrupted, smiling a bit too widely. ‘Now, if there’s nothing else, we’ve got a busy day ahead.’
Leaving Resident Services, Alex felt more confused than before. If Tom Nook wouldn’t help, maybe the museum’s archives would have answers. Blathers was meticulous, and if anyone kept records, it was him.
Inside the museum, Alex found Blathers adjusting a display. When he saw Alex, his eyes widened. ‘Good day, Alex! Come to marvel at our collection?’
‘Actually, I’m looking for information on a past Resident named David,’ Alex said, hoping Blathers would help.
Blathers hesitated. ‘Well, the archives aren’t typically accessible to guests,’ he began, then sighed. ‘But I suppose a brief look wouldn’t hurt. Follow me.’
They descended into the lower levels of the museum, where Blathers led Alex to a door marked Records. Inside, the room was cluttered with old files and boxes. ‘Anything you find will be in there. But please, be quick.’
Alex rummaged through the drawers, and near the back, found a file labeled Residents - Decommissioned. Inside were names, dates, and a few faded photos.
He found David’s file near the top. It listed him as Resident #013, just like the tag. But underneath, in shaky handwriting, were the words: Process complete. Converted: Stitches.
Alex’s breath caught. ‘Converted?’ he muttered. ‘Stitches is a Villager… how could a human Resident be connected to him?’
Before Alex could read further, Blathers snatched the file from his hands, eyes wide with panic. ‘I’m sorry, but I can’t let you take this,’ he said, voice trembling. ‘It’s for your own safety.’
‘What do you mean?’ Alex demanded. ‘What’s going on?’
Blathers shook his head. ‘Please, leave. Before it’s too late.’
As Alex was ushered out, he felt a chill. The whispers, the strange behavior, the file… something was very wrong on this island. But Alex was determined to find out what, even if it meant digging up secrets that should have stayed buried.
Chapter Three: Midnight Visitors
Alex couldn’t sleep. The whispers, the rusted tag, and the disturbing file spun in his mind. Determined to get answers, he stayed awake, listening.
A faint knock at the door jolted him upright. Alex crept to the window and peeked out. Standing outside, shrouded in darkness, was Stitches. His button eyes glinted faintly, his mouth set in a tight line.
‘Stitches?’ Alex whispered, opening the door a crack. ‘Is everything alright?’
Stitches didn’t respond at first. He just stood there, unblinking. ‘You shouldn’t be asking questions, Alex,’ he said, his voice hollow.
‘What do you mean?’ Alex asked, though he felt a sense of dread.
‘I heard you went to the museum,’ Stitches said. ‘That’s not a good place to be. Not at night.’
Alex felt a chill. ‘Do you know anything about David? About what happened to him?’
Stitches’ button eyes glistened. ‘We were like you once,’ he said, his voice trembling. ‘All of us. And now we’re stuck. We can’t leave, not ever. But you still have a chance.’
‘You mean… you were human?’ Alex stammered.
Stitches didn’t respond, but the silence was answer enough. ‘There’s a way out,’ he said. ‘But you have to leave now. Before he finds out you know.’
‘Before who?’ Alex began, but a loud clang echoed from down the street. Stitches flinched, eyes darting towards the sound.
‘He’s coming,’ Stitches whispered, panic in his voice. ‘You need to go. Now.’
Before Alex could ask another question, Stitches pushed him out the back door, whispering, ‘There’s a boat on the north shore. Take it and leave. Don’t look back.’
Chapter Four: The Chase
Alex ran through the darkness, the echoes of Stitches’ warning pounding in his head. He made his way toward the north shore, his breath ragged. Behind him, footsteps echoed, slow and deliberate, approaching from the village.
As Alex neared the dock, he saw the familiar silhouette of Tom Nook, holding a lantern. ‘Where are you, Alex?’ Tom’s voice called, calm but with an edge. ‘We need to talk. There’s been a misunderstanding.’
Alex hid behind some bushes, heart racing. He could see the boat just a few meters away, but he wasn’t alone. From the shadows, other Villagers began to emerge—Tangy, Poppy, Apollo, Rasher, Raymond, and even Isabelle—forming a line along the beach, blocking his path.
They stood in eerie stillness, their eyes fixed on Alex. ‘Come back,’ Tom Nook said, his voice closer now, almost gentle. ‘It’s not safe out there. We can help you.’
Panicked, Alex made a break for the boat. But before he could reach it, he noticed a dark, sinuous shape moving beneath the surface of the water, keeping pace with him. For a moment, he thought he saw two bright yellow eyes watching him.
‘The water is not safe,’ a whisper echoed in Alex’s mind, and he stumbled to a halt. He was trapped. Tom Nook stepped forward, his lantern light illuminating the faces of the Villagers. ‘It’s okay, Alex,’ he said, a placid smile on his face. ‘It’ll only hurt for a moment.’
With those words, the Villagers lunged, moving in unison like puppets. Alex turned and ran along the shoreline, trying to draw them away, but they followed, their movements disturbingly smooth. He needed a new plan, and fast.
Chapter Five: Beneath the Surface
Desperate, Alex dove into the water, the icy cold shocking his system. He swam toward the boat, but the dark shape beneath followed him. Suddenly, it surfaced—a sleek, serpentine creature with scales that shimmered like polished obsidian. Its glowing yellow eyes locked onto Alex.
‘You shouldn’t be here,’ it said, its voice echoing inside Alex’s head. ‘This place is not meant for your kind.’
‘What do you mean?’ Alex gasped, barely keeping his head above water.
‘I am a guardian,’ the creature said. ‘I watch. I wait. And sometimes, I… help.’
‘Then help me!’ Alex pleaded. ‘I need to get off this island!’
The creature’s eyes narrowed. ‘Do you really wish to leave? The others said the same. They begged and pleaded… but when the time came, they chose to stay.’
‘The others?’ Alex’s pulse quickened. ‘You mean the Villagers? They were Residents?’
The creature seemed to smile. ‘Yes. The island changes those who stay too long. It offers them a choice, though they don’t see it that way. Stay, and be given purpose. Or resist, and be lost.’
Alex felt a chill that had nothing to do with the water. ‘I don’t want that. I want to go home.’
The creature’s gaze softened. ‘There is a way, but it will not be easy. If you wish to leave, you must find the heart of the island and destroy it. Only then will the cycle be broken.’
Chapter Six: The Descent
The creature guided Alex to dive deeper, into the cold, dark abyss below the island. As he descended, the pressure increased, but he finally saw a faint, pulsating glow—the heart. It flickered weakly, like a dying ember. But as Alex reached out, something grabbed his leg, dragging him down.
‘You’re not supposed to be here,’ a harsh voice rasped. Alex saw gleaming white teeth below, and his heart sank.
The creature’s voice whispered in his mind. ‘You found it. Hold on, and don’t let go.’
Alex gripped the glowing heart, feeling it pulse against his palm. It was warm, almost comforting. But the grip on his leg tightened, and he struggled, kicking at the dark, slithering form pulling him down.
‘Let go, Alex,’ the voice hissed. ‘You don’t understand what you’re doing. You’ll destroy everything.’
But Alex squeezed the heart tighter, and it began to crack, light spilling out in blinding flashes. The dark form screeched, retreating, and the water around Alex erupted, churning and boiling.
With a final, desperate effort, Alex shattered the heart, and the light exploded, consuming everything around him.
Chapter Seven: The Final Choice
Alex surfaced, gasping, and found himself back at the dock. The boat was still there, bobbing gently, but the island was different now. The shadows felt deeper, alive, shifting restlessly. Tom Nook was waiting, his lantern gone, his eyes dark and unyielding.
‘Did you think it would be that easy?’ he asked, his tone smooth. ‘The heart was a vessel. The island’s will is everywhere, Alex. You can’t destroy something that exists in everything.’
Alex felt his hope falter. ‘But I broke it. You can’t keep me here.’
Tom Nook stepped closer. ‘You’ve done well, Alex. Most don’t make it this far. But now, you have a choice. Stay, and let the island embrace you. Or leave, and carry your fear, your pain, with you. The island will let you go, but it will not forget. And neither will you.’
The boat drifted, waiting. Alex hesitated, thinking of his life before the island. But was the escape worth facing that same emptiness, that same feeling of not belonging? He glanced back at the shore, at the Villagers—Stitches, Tangy, Poppy, Raymond, Rasher—waiting in stillness.
‘Stay, and you’ll never be alone again,’ Tom Nook said, almost soothingly. ‘Or go, and be lost.’
With a shaky breath, Alex made his choice, reaching for the boat. But as he touched the wood, the boat shuddered, rocking violently. Dark shapes surged beneath the water, pulling him back.
The guardian reappeared, breaking the surface beside him. Alex realized then it was Pascal, the otter.
‘You made your choice,’ Pascal said, his voice sharp. ‘Now hold on to it.’
Pascal’s grip steadied Alex as he climbed into the boat. The dark shapes retreated, and for a moment, Alex thought he had won. But as he glanced at his arm, he saw something—a small patch of fur appear on his skin.
‘No… this can’t be happening,’ Alex whispered.
Tom Nook watched from the dock, his smile serene. ‘You can leave, Alex. But you will always belong to us.’
Epilogue: The New Arrival
The sun was bright over the island, and the Villagers went about their routines—cheerful, serene, unbothered. At the dock stood a new Villager, a sleek, orange-striped tiger named Hunter.
Tom Nook approached, his usual friendly grin plastered on his face. ‘Ah, there you are! I was just coming to welcome you, Hunter. And to see what your first impressions of the island are.’
Hunter smiled, but it didn’t reach his eyes. ‘It’s perfect,’ he said, voice smooth and confident.
Tom Nook’s grin grew. ‘I knew you’d fit in nicely. It’s not every day we get someone so… determined.’
Hunter’s eyes glinted. ‘You planned it, didn’t you? The whispers, the tag, Blathers letting me see those files… it was all leading to this.’
Tom Nook nodded, no longer hiding it. ‘Of course. The process doesn’t work without resistance. The island needs you to choose. That’s how it knows you’re ready.’
Hunter felt the truth settle deep within, inescapable. Everything—the fear, the hope of escape—had been a path, carefully laid out. ‘So, it was all planned,’ he said softly.
Tom Nook stepped closer, placing a hand on Hunter’s shoulder. ‘Yes. And now, you belong. You’re part of the island, like the others. You’ll see—this is where you were meant to be.’
As the sun climbed higher, Hunter turned toward the village, waving back to the Villagers. They greeted him warmly, as if he’d always been there, and he felt the island’s presence wrap around him, warm, steady, eternal.
The island’s pulse began again, waiting for the next soul to wander in search of a place to belong, because the island would never stop. Not until every lost heart had found its way home.