Does anyone know why the Spanish editions were discontinued after book 25?

I grew up in Cuba and the Animorphs were a HUGE part of my childhood. It was really difficult but I managed to collect all of the books (except for #20). But then, after I got to 25 and couldn’t find any more I was so confused (it’s called The Extreme, after all) so I kinda convinced myself that this was it, even if didn’t offer any closure whatsoever. Mind you, this was the time before the internet so I was left wondering for years what really happened to the series and was recently able to catch up with the rest of the narrative, but I can’t really find any info on why the publisher (Ediciones B) just stopped putting them out. Such a frustrating thing lol, the only thing I can think of is sales dropping a lot or them losing the rights? Anyway, if anybody has info on this I’d appreciate it.