Mechanics Can’t Find Oil Leak

I have a pre-owned 2018 Mazda CX-5 Sport.

Let me start by saying I know Jack about cars.

Recently, the car started to overheat, finding out the belt shredded, causing the water pump to go bad. After further review from the mechanic, the crankshaft pulley also needed to be replaced. So overall, the water pump, belt and crankshaft pulley were replaced. I had also had an oil change scheduled at the same garage that repaired pump and all that, so that was done too.

Fast forward a week, my car’s low oil light comes on. I call the mechanic, get the car in, and he can’t find the leak, but is worried that it might be the head, but doesn’t have the appropriate tools to test that. So, he recommends another garage in the same town (Ford Dealership). I take it to this dealership for them to say all they could see was seeping coming from the oil pan and oil pressure switch, but nothing to be concerned. I take my car back and of course, still leaking oil.

I’ve made sure all caps, plugs and filters are tight. Not losing coolant, coolant isn’t mixing with oil from what I can see, car isn’t acting funny (yet), but it definitely is losing oil and is leaving spot on my driveway. After driving, I can smell the oil burning (I’m assuming it’s leaking and getting hot somewhere)

Any ideas of where this could be coming from or what it could be? Any recommendations of where I should take it to? I hate to take it to a dealership, bur for a guy that knows little to nothing, I’d rather not get screwed.

I do have an extended warranty that should cover the repair.