Why do we glorify bogans?
As a lifelong resident any charm wore off a long time ago.. now I'm just fucking done with them. I roll my eyes whenever I cross paths with one and they rarely prove me wrong.
They aren't all malicious scumbags but they usually make the world a worse place through malignorance as their stupidity often manifests as bigotry...treating women like shit... xenophobia and anti-immigration (long before the housing crisis) .... promoting machismo and homophobia (you'll notice how homoerotic most of them are) ... anti-intellectualism and casually ridiculing anyone who uses words they don't understand which often includes attacking things related to science and the environment and mental health... holding strong vocal opinions on things they know absolutely fucking nothing about besides what they gleamed from a sky news headline or heard their fuckhead father blather on about.
Their humor is basically just brainlessly regurgitating Aussie expressions and packing it with as many profanities as possible, which might be amusing to foreigners but before long it's just embarrassing (good comedy requires intelligence)
They tend to glorify if not promote binge drinking and gambling and aggression (no wonder they love the trots)
In Australia there's some strange misconception that blue collar workers (who aren't synonymous with bogans but usually overlap) more honest and ethical than white collar workers. Not in my experience - of the people I know who've been assaulted, women who have been harassed, it has almost exclusively been by blue collar bogans - I've had a tradie run me off the road, steal from my apartment, rip me off. A lot of them aren't that hard working either - they have physical jobs but that's usually because they're too thick to do anything else and I know a lot who admit that after work they crack open beer and do nothing.
Speaking of tradie, all those ridiculous tradie branded products just prove the point.
They conform to the same deadshit dresscode like an army of clones. They're boring as fuck to talk to - you can predict with some confidence what they're going to say and how they're going to say it, they're so limited in scope with what they're willing and able to talk about and they have little grasp on subtlety or irony.
I worked on a construction site for a few months once and the worst part wasn't the physical work it was having to be around those neanderthals all day, I might as well have had a can of diesel fuel around my neck because I could feel my braincells dying and I would find myself talking like them after work sometimes. There was one non bogan guy there and I tried to hang with him as much as possible or I would have lost it.
I hate pretentious people and woke warriors as much as anyone but honestly I'd rather spend time with one of them than a bogan these days.
Maybe the only thing worse than bogan men (bevans) are bogan women (bevs) ... there's somehow something even more pathetic about women behaving with this level of brash dumb cuntery because it often includes a sort of self righteousness - it's amusing and sad how often they will complain that there are 'no good men left' or 'every man is the same' whilst exclusively going for men with mullets and sleeve tatts and other things on the bogan bingo card, or they complain that men only want one thing when frankly that's all they seem to offer since they have no real personality.
I know every country has its own version of bogan and I don't think blue collar workers should be looked down upon as they are in many countries, but Australia might be the only country where they actually seem to be glorified.
And I know some blue collar guys who aren't bogans and white collar workers who are, and I know some bogans who are great people (some of my friends are a bit bogan in the way they look and talk) and white collar workers who are scum so take this with a pound of salt but I'm just done with them.
Some of you guys must feel the same way , why the hell do we do it?