What are the realistic expectations about men and relationships? (advise me as if I'm your daughter)

(F 23)- No one is perfect, people are different, Ik, but I was raised around toxic male figures, angry men who lack empathy and emotional intelligence..(and responsibility at times, like I only personally know one man who actually provides and protects)

on the other hand, most of my life I've been learning about life from the internet, movies, youtubers, etc. where men can be nice and expressive, romantic and make many thoughtful gestures, empathetic, good listerners, good fathers who actually contribute in parenting, etc.

so I don't know where reality is, my expectations are skewed, I feel like they're either negative or unrealistic.

Should I believe what I see in "green flags" videos and wait for someone who treats me that way? Or are they unrealistic? And how do I discover if a man is manipulative/irresponsible/toxic early on? How do I protect myself?

p. s. for context, I'm from a conservative country,/community so I have no "actual" dating experience, and all the men I liked turned out to be similar to the men I fear in my life (turns out I'm naturally and subconsciously drawn to what's familiar to me. Gentlemen, I present to you ✨daddy issues✨)