ASTARION TRUTHS (if it upsets you then this was meant 4 U)
I’m just gonna say it since it’s mostly true. Idolizing or sympathy towards Astarion is HUGE red flags. He’s not only a terrible person but has zero redeeming qualities besides his beautiful voice. He’s a narcissistic loser who complains about Cazador yet expresses how he would’ve done exactly what Cazador did if given his situation. Even after you “fix” him he still groans and moans about wanting what he could’ve had but since you pussy/dick whipped him he’ll just be complacent. NOT HAPPY. Just complacent. THEN if you ascend him he becomes exactly what he wants to be which is someone who treats those closest to him as play things. You can cope all you want that “oh he just is so powerful that’s how he sees things” no he wanted to be that powerful so he could justifiably treat you like a toy. If you relate to him you need help. He’s not a coping mechanism he’s an example of what you shouldn’t ever strive to be