I’m not really understanding bard
I’m about 10 hours into my first playthrough and loving it but I don’t really get bard.
I’ve gone with lore but overall just seems underwhelming. I thought I would be playing loads of music to buff my allies but the only songs I have is bardic inspiration which I don’t really understand what it does and song of rest. Everything else is just spells. I just kind of feel like a weak spell caster atm. That being said out of combat it’s so much fun making all skill checks especially as I don’t do reloads for failed rolls. I really love inspire which lets me reroll failed rolls, although have yet to work out where I see how many uses I have.
On a separate note is there a good place to get a load of camping supplies? I find myself having to long rest a lot. I don’t know if I am playing wrong and shouldn’t use spells or something but fights are so tough and then I don’t have spells for next fight unless I long rest. Like I just rested then fought the paladins of tyr which was a brutal fight and now I need to long rest again.
Thank you for any advice or help.