I can't hear myself while playing with my band
I have a fender rumble 100, and it works and sounds great when I'm playing by myself or even with my 2 guitarists. But whenever I play with my drummer, I can barely hear myself. Im pretty sure its because he is a very loud drummer. So is there any way of making my bass louder without buying a new amp and/or a way to make the drummer less loud without making him hit the drums with less force? I've tried talking to him about it but he just loves to hit the drums like they owe him money, so any advice will be really aprecciated.
Edit: I forgot to add that i use earplugs to protect my ears from the drums, which might also contirbute to the problem. Oh, and i own a behringer super fuzz, which can be used as a boost pedal, (although I've never tried using it)