Beginners never realize that it’s called a bass because the tuning is B A S S!
I see sooo many posts of beginners not knowing how to tune, god it’s so easy to figure out. Guitar gets a little more confusing before the I and T strings can be a little finicky on cheaper strings but fuck them anyway. And if you say the word starting at the string your on it gets the sound the string makes!!! B sting sounds like “bass”, A sting sounds like “ass”, S string sounds like “SS”, and the S string sounds like “S”!!! Bass may be the hardest instrument in the world but it’s actually really really easy to tune by ear using this technique!!
I see sooo many posts of beginners not knowing how to tune, god it’s so easy to figure out. Guitar gets a little more confusing before the I and T strings can be a little finicky on cheaper strings but fuck them anyway. And if you say the word starting at the string your on it gets the sound the string makes!!! B sting sounds like “bass”, A sting sounds like “ass”, S string sounds like “SS”, and the S string sounds like “S”!!! Bass may be the hardest instrument in the world but it’s actually really really easy to tune by ear using this technique!!