Bet you can’t do it
{"account": null, "authorFlair": {"t5_2y9q4": {"dullahan12": {"text": "Custom (Nothing Inappropriate)", "richtext": [{"e": "text", "t": "Custom (Nothing Inappropriate)"}], "type": "richtext", "textColor": "dark", "backgroundColor": "#d3d6da", "templateId": "011605c6-0aa6-11e3-8869-12313d281541"}, "Safe-Hawk8366": null, "spotless_lanternfly": {"text": ":joker_gasp: who the FUCK am i? :Joker_oof:", "richtext": [{"a": ":joker_gasp:", "u": "", "e": "emoji"}, {"e": "text", "t": " who the FUCK am i? 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[{"e": "text", "t": "Jonkler's balls (mods stop removing my flair \ud83d\ude21)"}], "type": "richtext", "textColor": "dark", "backgroundColor": "#d3d6da", "templateId": "011605c6-0aa6-11e3-8869-12313d281541"}, "fishsodomiz": null, "thedarkracer": {"text": ":Knight:Arkham Knight", "richtext": [{"a": ":Knight:", "u": "", "e": "emoji"}, {"e": "text", "t": "Arkham Knight"}], "type": "richtext", "textColor": "dark", "backgroundColor": "#ffb000", "templateId": "319416d8-40af-11eb-91fd-0e5120844b75"}, "i_agree123": null, "nefD": {"text": ":joker_gasp: Am I stupid?", "richtext": [{"a": ":joker_gasp:", "u": "", "e": "emoji"}, {"e": "text", "t": " Am I stupid?"}], "type": "richtext", "textColor": "dark", "backgroundColor": "transparent", "templateId": "021e6396-54a6-11ee-a7ad-ae3c3ac28e21"}, "Kuby69": null, "DrGanja97": {"text": ":joker_gasp: Jonkler's jonking jerking Jadonka Jonkling", "richtext": [{"a": ":joker_gasp:", "u": "", "e": "emoji"}, {"e": "text", "t": " Jonkler's jonking jerking 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"backgroundColor": "transparent", "templateId": "021e6396-54a6-11ee-a7ad-ae3c3ac28e21"}, "No-Tomorrow-8150": {"text": "The Lore Reason", "richtext": [{"e": "text", "t": "The Lore Reason"}], "type": "richtext", "textColor": "dark", "backgroundColor": "#d3d6da", "templateId": "011605c6-0aa6-11e3-8869-12313d281541"}, "Parking-Mushroom5162": {"text": ":ogman: R.I.P Skedetcher :ogman:", "richtext": [{"a": ":ogman:", "u": "", "e": "emoji"}, {"e": "text", "t": " R.I.P Skedetcher "}, {"a": ":ogman:", "u": "", "e": "emoji"}], "type": "richtext", "textColor": "dark", "backgroundColor": "transparent", "templateId": "aacb2fe0-81d9-11ef-9b2a-b60004ab4c60"}, "Cloud2110": {"text": ":proud_dick: I'm proud of you, Dick :proud_dick:", "richtext": [{"a": ":proud_dick:", "u": "", "e": "emoji"}, {"e": "text", "t": " I'm proud of you, Dick "}, {"a": ":proud_dick:", "u": "", "e": "emoji"}], "type": "richtext", "textColor": "light", "backgroundColor": "#253349", "templateId": 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What should I call myself? ", "richtext": [{"a": ":r:", "u": "", "e": "emoji"}, {"e": "text", "t": " I am a new character. What should I call myself? 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He is stupid
\nOfficer Balls.
\nSay gex
\n"This is like penis hour at George Clooney's house."
\n\nClassic Gex zinger!
\nHave gex\nHave gex
\nThere IS no lore reason. Are YOU stupid?
\nIt all started with the Arkham Knight. though I'm surprised he doesn't have an aslume name
\nHam Night.
\nHam knight
\nHam Nite
\nwell yes but actually yes
\nHey what did I do?
\nExplosive Gel.
\nb.. b- bone? Bone!
\nYour mother
\nAm i stupid?
\n\nHeres the lore
\nWtf is gru doing in Monika's special house/class?
\nLore accurate Monika???
\nI am not sure if Monika had a gun pointed to us at any points
\nThe real lore reason was the friends we made along the way.
\nBone's payload is exposed. I can use my power winch to trigger a lore reason.
\nIs there a lore reason why I don't remember every lore reason? Am I stupid?
\nIs that a lore reason?
\nI took Elder Qu's class so I'm pretty well versed on the aslume. My balls just hurt so I can't answer.
\nAgente Palle
\nIt all started with this guy named Batman
\nLife's too short, just say "is (someone/thing) stupid" and move on.
\nHe is stupid
\nImma name him Jeff
\nScarecrow cutscenes
\nThe bomb\u2019s payload is exposed
\nJust slip it in dawg \ud83d\ude4f
\nCan you do it? Are you extraordinarily stupid?
\nGru is officer balls in the future
\nJonkler maned all over dick. Is he stupid?
\nhonestly if someone posted a giant folder filled with every lore reason meme i wouldnt be surprised
\nYou are the only lore reason i need
\nIs there a lore reason why I have to do this?
\n\n\nWhy I'm sexually attracted to her (both eris and that one car from cars)
\nName every character
\nBecause I must Jonkle
\nMan chase jonkler with officer called balls.
\nFan of the Aslume? I run the aslume
\nOfficer Balls
\nSome of us are only here for naked Bone pics and Dick pics. Not me though. I'm here for naked Jonkler pics.
\nI can't, I'm stupid
\nThere is no lore reason, he\u2019s just stupid
\nJonkler is taking Jonkle pills to remain insane
\nsocial experiment
\nIs there a lore reason your asking this question sir?
\nSesbian Lex
\nIs He Stupid?
\n\n\nEvery lore reason
\nWhat\u2019s the lore reason for this post?
\nThere is NO lore reason