Any good Percale Black Friday deals?

Hey everyone, thanks for having me. I love percale sheets and good ones can be super pricey, so I was wondering if anyone knew of any great percale sheets that are on a good deal for black Friday/Cyber Monday weekend? I like my Percale to be crisp, loud, smooth and heavier weight. Lauren by Ralph Lauren used to have really great heavy weight, smooth percale sheets but they don't make them the same any more. Those were definitely my favorite. I've tried Brooklinen but they are so thin you can almost see through them. I've also tried LL Bean's Botanical Floral Percale sheets but those are a bit rough as opposed to smooth. I've tried a few other inexpensive brands- Eddie Bauer, Nautica, Martha Stuart, Lacost and Rae Dunn. If anyone has any ideas I'd be super grateful! Thanks!