The original r/billburr is clearly compromised by MAGA propagandists.
First the mods (automod as they're trying to claim) fucked with the post about bill burr's twitter account/nazi salute thing.
Then two posts happen within 24 hours that are driven to the top of reddit that have nothing to do with bill burr.
First this, of the ai Trump sucking Elon's toes and the title: "many people are saying its 100% ai." This is an attempt to make a reasonable point (that this is clearly ai) to try to show there are left-wing idiots out there who will believe anything. Seems innocuous, but it's an attempt to slowly garner support by showing the ridiculousness of some people. Also... "many people" sounds like a mouth-breather wrote it.
Second this, of the real shot of Elon leaving his kid. Same motive as above because these have absolutely nothing to do with bill burr, and both are titled to subtly hint at the left being wrong. These posts were also already plastered on other subs before they were propagandized. These are clearly designed to make a point without explicitly stating so.
This isn't about right-wing bill burr supporters posting a view. It's an overall scheme to control the sub. And why wouldn't they try this? It's one of the few comedic subreddits that trends left, which is the game maga plays to spread their own misinformation.