How I Reversed My Biological Age by 13 Years: Yamanaka Factors and Apigenin Explained

/OTC Yamanaka Factor Gene Activation/
VIA Oct4 Sox2 and Myc-c

AKA The Apigenic Protocol

I had a great experience last round adding a bit of carnitide to boost autophagy. You wont need it the entire time.

It works, im now about 20 years old while being chronologically 33. There is a mass media blackout and censorship. So its just down to us who know to spread the word.
-Dude Wearing Shoes

Hollywood knows and already has been sending you cues.

1/18/24 - Cancer test came back early and NEGATIVE. I will be taking another in 6 months.
1/16/24 - Cancer test results current ETA is Feb 2nd.
1/11/24 - more typos, expanded some thoughts and added details to the timeline of my experience.
1/6/23 - updated some frame of presentation, I was not as read as many in the field would be.
12/29/23 - Links on how Yamanaka Factors restore telomeres
12/28/23 - typos/misspellings and more on Apigenin's deal with myc-c, nanog, and cancer.
12/26/23 - minor edits/added an alt GSK3b inhibitor.

I took a Methylation test to determine my age via DNAge back in 2020. I presented as 26 when chronologically 28.

  • This is a treatise on coaxing T cells into resetting your epigenetic code.

Here is the previous list of Cocktails that were known to reverse aging in human and mouse models, but they were not tested in living creatures. I know wt this point thousands have been served already by what im doing here.
Here is a quick list of their components.

Yamanaka Factor Genes


The reason you stopped hearing about stem cells from aborted fetuses over a decade ago was because these factors were discovered.
If you turn all 4 of them on, you get a pluripotent stem cell.

What is a pluripotent stem cell?

It's a cell that has had all of it's epigenetic information removed, which tells the cell what kind of cell it is and where it is in development. It can then become any cell you may want to turn it into, but it will have the same genetic code. It has been shown that by activating O, S, and K you can partially reprogram a cell back to a previous age safely, as well as repair tissue and restore function to areas of the body that have been damaged.

What we are doing here, is activating O,S, and M. This is actually done by allot of people all the time. The primary activator for this is a beloved supplement and it along with NAD/NMN has been used by a fair number of people and there are no known safety concerns. I myself have used these two on the regular for about two years. Some form of NAD or NMN for about 4.

Apigenin is what we are using to activate the Yamanaka Factor genes, as opposed to using Forskolin and RepSox, which is what they used in the resource at the top.

Why Apigenin? The simple answer is that there isn't anything else you can find out there that is produced in plants/vegetables that will activate multiple Yamanaka Factor Genes, AND its only shown to be safe. Even in the high dosages we will be taking it.

And it does this activation via the immune system.

NFATc1 Nucleur Factor of Activated T Cells

NMN/NAD synergy with Apigenin

CD38 as a vector for Immune system modulation

More resources have been added at the very end

Here is a compiled analysis of many small molecules for their use in cellular reprogramming

The following outlines the minimal requirements for a combination of chemicals to work.
"Functional analysis of SMs and their targets revealed that they are distributed between three major categories: epigenetics, intra- and inter-cellular signaling, and metabolic “switchers”. All these categories appear to be mandatorily presented in each SM cocktail to induce cell reprogramming. Specifically, it seems that sufficient components for a “minimal reprogramming” cocktail have to include an inhibitor of HDAC (e.g. VPA or NaB), an inhibitor of TGFβ signaling (e.g. RepSox), and GSK3-inhibiting SMs (e.g. CHIR99021 or LiCl). This assumption was further confirmed by the KEGG pathways enrichment analysis. The unusually significant enrichment of epigenetic and signaling pathways highlights their importance in chemical iP. Remarkably, many enriched pathways were related to aging, longevity and age-related diseases, thus presumably connecting them with the processes of cell reprogramming. "

So that's the inhibition of three things

And incidentally, Apigenin does all three. The HDAC inhibition is done by conditioning the gut over time to increase levels of Butyrate. Butyrate is listed in the compiled analysis as a inducer of re-programming. Apigenin is labeled as a enhancer. However when in concert with several other compounds, the breakthrough is in the acknowledgement of Apigenin as a master director of cellular activity in relation to human health.

However in my experience with taking Apigenin in combo with NAD/NMN/NR there was always an upper limit. This is because there is additional effort needed specifically to unpackage your DNA from your histones. That's the HDAC inhibition. Once additional Butyrate was added I was able to properly access my record and have my cells begin to transcribe my previous epigenetic code.

HDACi - Histone Deacetylase Inhibitors

If you look at the article at the very top involving Sinclair's cocktails they observe that a much higher concentration of the HDACi is required compared to the primary activators.

Butyrate seems to do the job of an HDACi very well, and is available to us without a prescription which is also a very good indicator of its safety. Valporic Acid is used alternatively and is a restricted substance. Butyrate a class 1 HDACi and not dependent on NAD. Tributryn is what I have used myself because its just butyrate that's made to be more easily absorbed into the gut.

It would seem that the unpackaging of your DNA leads your cells into wanting to try and repair themselves alone without additional prompting.

Apigenin overall is being used to activate a immune response involved in repair and has the ability to pop the hood on epigenetic code/cell identity and can be further augmented by supplementation and augmentation of the processes involved to deliver results beyond what have been previously documented. This would result in the slow restoration of epigenetic code from the immune system out to every cell that can be reached. The body will require time to catch up with the re-programing, and there may be relative limits to how much reprogramming you can effectively do in a certain amount of time. I have experienced ongoing regenerative effects from using this combination, even after cessation, from fixing a ringing ear, my lungs, joint pain, I don't get cross eyed after working hard anymore, I had damage to my cardiovascular system due to covid that's now gone, and smoother skin.

Additional Components

B12 is required to avoid encoding logarithmic scale errors.
Make sure you use Methycobalamin, and I would recommend using it sublingually.

We will want to have a handle on the inflammation/GSK3 inhibition outside of what Apigenin is trying to do like CHIR990021 is, although it should be noted CHIR990021 inhibits both the alpha and beta sub pathways of GSK3 and nothing listed here inhibits GSK3a. The simple explanation being that you wouldent see much sanity in trying to repair a home thats still on fire.
Curcumin has a very big reputation with reducing inflammation. It's recommended you take it as Curcumin Phytosome. I have not felt the need to take it 1:1 with Apigenin like you will see in Sinclairs cocktails with 1:1 RepSox/CHIR990021.

Lithium has been brought up as an alternative GSK3 inhibitor but it would be the only item on this list that would have any known toxicity issues in humans.

Genistein would be something people looking to experiment and report on alternatives could try. Very likely it has some unique synergetic impacts of it's own that might make it better instead of or perhaps mixed with a lower dose of the curcumin.

In the video above for NFATc1
There is a 2 minute oscillation on the pathway, meaning it can take in more calcium every two minutes. For me it has been smoother with some Long Release Calcium.

/Putting it all together/

I think of it more like a reaction occuring between the Apigenin and hightened butyrate levels and everything else is about maintaining smooth operation under the best conditions you can to ensure no errors. Ultimately I think there is enough autocorrect going on between mechaisms so to speak that you get as naturally holistic result as you could as for. It's incredibly unlikely in my opinion that there will be a better molecule that can do this kind of wor so to speak than Apigenin.

I Haven't felt the need to use more than 500mg of curcumin a day to get the effect I want. In the concern too much could smother effects.
Ill start off with the 500mg curcumin/600mg sr Calcium/550mg CoreBIOME Tributryn about an hour beforehand.
Be sure you have plenty of B12 and take a good multivitamin you feel comfortable with for your bodytype/physical characteristics etc.

Then in packaged dosages, not needing this more than twice in a day.
300mg of liposomal Apigenin, a half gram of the NAD/NMN/NR complex, and then another half a gram of the CoreBIOME Tributryn.

Then I will take a second pill of calcium with the second shot. It's possible you are already getting enough calcium, vut that's just how I do it.
After the second shot I'm well enough for a nap. I repeat it again when I wake up, but take breaks when you feel you have had enough.

Didn't feel like I needed more than a gram of the slow release calcium per day. Some think you don't need it but just be mindful of your overall nutritious intake and watch the B12.

I also had damage to my lungs due to a bad smoking habit that was specifically aided by adding NAC.

I'd guess I'm about 200 lbs.
No notable change in body weight.
I will also submit for the record that pizza rolls are more common in my diet than would be recommended for someone doing this.

You will also want to know this works for animals awell, their immune systems are very similar. More data is needed to determine dosing for any specific one though.

Because of optics and being the Chicago Pile - Body of One, I do not feel comfortable yet with recommending specific vendors for products. I have some immediate concerns to be sure these natural components you can already buy without limit are made fairly and cheaply accessiable to everyone, but I believe it is incumbent on everyone that this medicine be delivered to those that may need it the most by some lind of honor system we can all agree on. I have been told it has succsessfully treated some cancers and even Sinclair's latest work on OSK will confirm what i've been told anonymously.

This is the first human technology capable of regrowing bone/limbs

The mechanisms involved are based on core immunological functions the body already has. There is no reason it should have taken this long to get this to people, which is why I put it on everyone reading this to investigate this to the full capacity you have as a human being. This is also for your dog, cat, and birds by the way. It works on theoretically all eukaryotic life.

I submit it to the world for everyone's empowerment and greater fulfillment in their life.

It has come out via my description of my dosage I could have only gotten the Apigenin and NAD/NMN/NR complex from Renue, which I will confirm.

Anyone reading this is reading was at the front of human experimentation several months ago but given how far I have already heard of this spreading there is still so

The first time I did it it was for almost two weeks straight (along with Ca-AKG and Forskolin, which to me felt like they augmented the process) and I regrettably did not have enough B12 which caused tons of problems. I needed about a week of reprogramming back on while getting the proper supplementation before I was back to normal. After that I took roughly a weekend additionally doing it right. In spite of the transcription errors I incurred to my epigenetic code I still repaired allot of things wrong with my body. It was a cumulatively positive outcome none the less.

I started using butyrate around the end of October 23. The paper regarding B12 wasn't out till weeks later. I wasn't using it till the beginning of December and shortly thereafter I added a dedicated GSK3 inhibitor, curcumim. Both of these additions were made as timely as they were because of help I got from individuals I shared my experience with online. For that I am incredibly grateful.

The reprogramming is being done by your immune system, the overall health you come into this with will also be a factor. I have had years to be sure about my vendor for Liposomal Apigenin and NAD/NMN but have not shopped around for Tributryn. Your results may differ from mine, for one because we have figured out so much more than where I started thanks to the improvements made along the way.

Exactly how much deaging for how much time you do this is up for grabs. I didn't have multiple decades to shave off, I can say that even when done improperly the first two weeks of this were the most noticeably impactful. Although it should be said that I've still noticed small changes and improvements even weeks after cessation.

Chronologically I turn 33 in spring 24, my body has not felt like this since I was around 25 and I have tried to push things further but definitely am not feeling extreme changes like I did at the beginning. This could be limited from lots of things. Namely that there aren't really as many differences to notice in dropping another half decade. It could be that my body has to catch up with my programming a bit more before It can worry about going back further.

OSK activation is also thought to take you back to around your mid 20s.

What I can tell you is that I have tested the safety parameters of this concept in multiple ways and am still very much alive. I am only grateful to be able to be useful in the narrow ways I have been.

I wouldn't expect your hairline to come back immediately given it is on a cycle that takes months to years. Your skin takes 30 days to regrow. Shoot for one week on one week off to avoid Immune system exhaustion and listen to your body, it will do the best it can.

Dude Wearing Shoes

Additional Resources
More on how Transcription Factors do this kind of reprogramming.

Latest work showing that aging is more or less the sum of all parts, with some parts further worn in than others depending on behavior/lifestyle choices.
My experience has felt to me like it's those parts of the body that are further worn in that this targets first. It's a common feature in biology where the first efforts are always made toward reaching an equilibrium.

Synergetic behaviors between Curcumin and Butyrate

How RepSox was discovered.
By screening hundreds of potential compounds and adding a HDACi (Valporic Acid).

Additional Apigenin resources
Mechanisms surrounding Apigenin's Myc-c upregulation are also an indicator this might be able to help us re-program cells that are cancerous.

It most assuredly does NOT cause cancer. Surface level measurable myc-c upregulation that seems circumstantial almost but in detail its not being expressed in a way thats concerning.

Here is the only documented instance of Apigenin toxicity. Essentially, you have to somehow be taking it even after it makes you pass out for it to start causing problems.
No documentation of issues with humans because Apigenin is not ordinarily delivered intravenously, and especially nobody is out there pumping the gas on it while you are already asleep from it.

Regular metabolization (I experience it faster once adding the tributyrin during the protocol.)
"For all participants, plasma apigenin concentration rose after bolus ingestion and fell within 28 h under the detection limit (2.3 nmol/l)."

Apigenin is listed as having a degree of GSK3 inhibition.

From what I have read, there is overlap between GSK3a and GSK3b (and it might not be of overall consequence), however it should be noted that CHIR990021 inhibits both. Apigenin, Curcumin, and Genestein only inhibit GSK3b.

Apigenin continues to prove to be an ameliorating agent in the human body for all sorts of problems, across every tissue, every part of the body.

It's extremely safe.

And the fact it boosts butyrate is by far my biggest signaler to apigenins core destiny in human function.

Telomeres come up in conversation allot, but are better to be thought of as biomarkers or clockhands rather than the gears driving aging. None of the data held in your telomeres is ever permanently lost. Apigenin is documented here to be able to modulate transcriptional telomerase when interacting with cancer.,activate%20telomerase%20genes%20during%20reprogramming.

And in general Yamanaka Factor gene activation will restore their length.

Nanog suppression/expression depending on context

From the way I look at it, this is exactly what Apigenin was made to do. It's a generalist and a specialist.
We need to situate the body for, and ultimately activate Yamanaka factors - CHECK
Inflammation/GSK3 inhibition (to its own small degree it can manage) - CHECK
Increase HDAC inhibition via butyrate - CHECK

Remember, Apigenin can make pluripotent stem cells retain their pluripotency, unaided. This power is also safely orchestrated in adult cells, further underlying the contextual power this substance really has in ameliorating states safely.

But we cant do all of this work effectively enough in the body with Apigenin alone.

So we add Butyrate to ensure we have a separate chemical pathway unfurling your DNA from your histones for easier access, and it's synergistically amplified by the Apigenin, and we add the curcumin which has it's own synergistic HDAC inhibition with the Butyrate AND helps handle the inflammation.
The added Calcium is there to make sure that when conditions are well enough for OSM activation they are fueled.
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