Supreme Inspector: Bad boss design

First of all, before people go crazy in the comment section: I love Black Myth: Wukong. I have been playing it nonstop ever since i got it 5 days ago. That being said, to the reason im writing this - its a rant. About the Supreme Inspector. I have to say ive never faced a worse designed boss in any game ive ever played. Hes not skill based, like AT ALL. His attacks are literally unreactable. Like you HAVE TO PREDICT. HIS ENTIRE MOVESET. Ive never seen a more lazy and disgusting boss design. Its nothing but time consuming, youre forced to remember his moveset instead of being able to first try him with enough focus and reaction, with 90% of his moveset consisting of lightning fast dashes and generally unreactable attacks. Its boring. Theres absolutely no fun in it. Also, we got the guaranteed cutscene that damages you once again, as if yellowbrow wasnt enough. Also, once you get to the ring of fire, good lucking healing. Overall, worst boss ive ever played against.