Hyperpigmentation, acne, and black heads
Sigh…I’ve been working on improving my skin, targeting my hyperpigmentation (from acne scars and the dark ring), dryness, acne, face puffiness(a recent problem), texture, black heads, and under eye fine lines. Combination skin—mainly dry with oily T zone.
Current routine: I’ve been using a lot of hyalauronic acid (cerave hydrating toner (daily), Good Molecules Hyaluronic acid (daily)) and other products like Good Molecule niacinamaide (I also feel like my fave reacts to this -allergy?) and discoloration solution around my mouth (2-3 times a week), cerave SA lotion for rough and bumpy skin on my face (daily) and a vitamin C moisturizer (sometimes), Beauty of Joseon under eye cream (just started), Paula’s choice 2% BHAs liquid exfoliant (almost twice daily), Glycolic acid toner (once a week-ish), Is Tree Hyaluronic watery sun gel (daily and love it), Anua Heartleaf LHA moisture peeling gel (2-3 times a week).
So far, my acne break outs have minimized, but I still have the fungal acne and dryness. I started using a gwa sha recently—to help with puffiness. My face recently started getting super puffy, so I was wondering if it was bc I was using too many hyaluronic acid products
Mainly need advice for the hyperpigmentation (around my cheeks, neck, and mouth), acne, black heads and fine lines for now. Thanks 😩