need some tips please

hi so i’ve finally came to the conclusion and accepted that no matter how much effort i put into my looks like makeup, wardorabe, hair nothings gonna change the fact that i’m naturally an unattractive person. it’s hard to accept something you really wish wasn’t ur reality. i wish i could feel genuinely beautiful without having to try so much i never do even when i do try but i’m not really doomed cause my only choices left are plastic surgery (unlikely) or botox/filler (possible). i know someone who injects and my main issue/insecurity is asymmetry in my brows and face but what bothers me most is my brows cause one is higher than the other and it’s extremely noticeable and it throws off my face so bad like it’s terrible.. i cant use the inverted filter or else i’ll genuinely lose my marbles people say to use that filter to try to even out ur brows but it’s literally impossible for me cause one is completely higher than the other and ones more straight other is more round or arched so i’m thinking of getting botox in my brow area to make it more even sometimes i lift the droopy brow up and i see such a big difference in my face like my face looks so much more proportional it’s insane so that’s my resort tbh. i don’t know what else to do that isn’t cosmetic surgery cause i’ve tried everything, makeup does NOT help neither does threading my brows one is literally just higher than the other it’s the placement of the brows😭i thought maybe sleeping on my back could resolve this issue but it’s too uncomfy for me & it takes a while to fall asleep so i hate it and i’m a side sleeper unfortunately and i don’t see how that’s gonna change the placement of my brows and magically make the droopy one higher? don’t really get it and i always see mixed feelings about sleeping on ur back some people say it helps, some people say it doesn’t idk.. another thing i truly hate is my face shape, so i’m thinking of getting massater box or chin filler to slim out my face and i genuinely think these r the only things that could save me cause makeup isn’t a choice atp.. does anyone have any tips to try to fix these issues before getting botox. i’m not 100% getting it cause obvi it’s expensive but i’m certainly gonna look into it 🙂