Old man boomer wanted to fight

I just recently moved to this one bedroom duplex. The boomer across the way, a few days ago started eyeballing me in a reckless way as I was pulling in my driveway. I get up early for work around four 4 AM. As I was leaving my place at 4:30 in the morning. I hear him walk up so I turn on my porch light and say can I help you? Here’s how the conversation goes. Boomer, “ you got something of mine?!?” Me, “what? No.” Boomer, “ I believe you do!!” Me, “ no I don’t.” Boomer, “ yes you do! You have my Social Security card.” Me, “ what is happening here?” Boomer, “ we’re gonna fight for it!! Right now!!” As he starts to approach me, I just say to him “if you come any closer, you’re going to regret the day you woke up and chose violence against me.” Then I calmly say, don’t you ever come at me like this ever again. Then the Boomer proceeds to go to his front door, open it, and stand there in the dark and stare at me until I get to my car and drive off. The last few days every time I pull in by parking area, he proceeds to come outside and look at me. I documented it by letting the management know what happened just for a paper trail and cover my ass. What the hell is wrong with him? This was 4:30 in the morning on a Friday any explanation here? I don’t think this was Alzheimer’s or dementia I could be wrong but he keeps eyeing me like he wants to do something. I would guess he’s in his mid to late 50s. Every time we made eye contact he would just smirk, now I just ignore him. I don’t know what that shit was all about. Accuse me of stealing a Social Security card like WTF.?!?