Left the theater.
I had planned on seeing Horizon yesterday. When I got to theater I was the youngest person my a good 20 to 30 years. Not surprising since it's a Kevin Costner western.
As the film began both the couple in front of me and behind me couldn't stop talking. Next thing I know two different cellphones rang and one person kept coughing so loud there was no way they even tried to cover their mouth.
I went to the box office and the manager was nice enough to exchange my ticket after I explained the situation.
Fun fact: The kids at Inside Out 2 were better behaved than those adults.
Edit: To those who asked why I didn't tell the people to shut up, I've done that before and had a person tell me that, "If I didn't like it I should move".
And I do understand that anyone can be obnoxious in a theater, but recently it has definitely been the older generation that have been rude jackasses.