Committee chair gate keeping

Lovely kiddo completed all requirements. Committee chair says

1.) he doesn’t have enough scout spirit. Fail


2.) he didn’t answer committee chairs questions with the depth of knowledge they want.

I had a conversation with chair & they said: “you can take the child and go to another troop but these are the rules” reminded Chsir that this way of BOR is antiquated and ag Scouts policies. Was reminded chair has 25 years and knows more then I could ever.

Oooooohhhhhhh: He’s also working on 5-6 MBs with current ASL. Should he get those blue cards with partials and move on????

Edited to add: my husband and I decided out with this troop and in with the New. We’ve already been in touch with a new scoutmaster from the Town over. He specifically said everything that you guys shared so thank you. I was just clueless and they seem to take advantage of clueless parents and clueless kids. It’s a shame. It’s a nice group of kids there but after leaving and the other kids age out, they will only be two kids left with 11 leaders. 9 which r subpar.

We are going to move on. Go a last x to hopefully get a final goodbye & get sons current MB blue cards for what he’s working on with troop. I just hope they give it to us. Husband doesn’t want us to go. Said he’ll just call. Smh. Updated council/commission. They will do what they do. Hoping to at least help the last 3 kids that aged out which she bragged about flunking. And hopefully they can clean out bad volunteers even if they’ve bf e been around for 20 years. Years means nothing when you’re doing the “job” wrong. 😑.
Again. Thank u all

Thank you again, everyone