Lesson Learned: The grass isn't always greener on the other side
I always used to believe that everything happens for a reason and when my boyfriend left me for another woman I was devasted and couldn't understand why that happened. There shouldn't have to be a reason for your heartbreak - no one deserves to be heartbroken. It was even more infuriating because I was really good and patient with him despite him not always treating me well.
Anyways, I struggled with the breakup for a while because I just couldn't understand why I deserved this pain when I had been so good to him. I thought maybe there was a lesson from God/the universe in there somewhere but I couldn't find it. It just felt like my heart was being toyed with for the sake of it. Until I realized that sometimes God/the universe (or whatever entity you belive in) uses us for OTHER people to learn lessons. My ex isn't even dating the girl he left me for anymore (it's only been a month since the breakup) so he virtually threw away our year together for another woman that he's not even with anymore. So I realized that maybe the lesson in this wasn't for me but for him. To teach him that you shouldn't be greedy and the grass isn't always greener on the other side. Not to say that he misses me or that he wants to come back. But the point is that he has a habit of jumping ship when he sees something new (he also broke up with his ex gf before me for someone else who ended up being horrible to him) and he ends up losing out on good women who care about him because he's always looking for the next best thing.
If you were the one that was dumped even though you were good to your partner, I just want to say that you'll be okay and that God/the universe will always balance out the scales. You will find love and be happy and your ex will get exactly what they deserve because the universe always takes and restores. ❤️