Brief history/summary of the Brown Mountain Lights
The Brown Mountain Lights are a visual phenomenon of unknown origin seen in and around Brown Mountain and the Linville Gorge Wilderness Area located in North Carolina. Reports of unexplained lights in the area long predate electricity and exist in the oral history of local native tribes going as far back as they know. The lights have been reported as being a brilliant white, a blueish-white, a green, and orange or reddish in color. The peak “season” to see the lights is late summer to late fall although lights can be seen year round with varying frequency. They have been reported as being both stationary and moving orbs, split second flashes, and as a specific area of the forest with a slight general glow. Common theories for what causes the lights include alien or extraterrestrial activity, spirits or ghosts, ball lightning or some other weather or natural phenomenon, headlights from cars and trains in the distance, locals playing pranks, and mirages or light bouncing off of clouds. As of yet no scientific explanation has been reached as the cause for the Brown Mountain Lights and legitimate investigation is rare as it is a relatively unknown phenomenon. Two of the most common sighting locations are the Brown Mountain overlook on NC Highway 181 and Wiseman’s View overlook located on Old NC 105 passed the Linville Falls trailhead.