No recourse for false claims?

Matched with someone on the apps last week and had a first date two days ago. We had already exchanged numbers by that point and conversation was going well. After the initial date however I didn't think we were compatible and so when she texted me asking for a second date I politely declined and briefly explained I didn't think we were a good fit and wished her well.

She proceeded to have an absolute meltdown and sent me a flood of aggressive texts. I ignored them.

A few hours later I go to check bumble to remove her from my matches only to find my account has been blocked for "inappropriate behavior".... there is nothing dirty or inappropriate in my profile and I have never indulged in sexting or anything inappropriate on bumble. Yet, it seems the girl I declined a second date with was able to easily report my account and bumble just took her word for it without investigating. In the blocked notice it says contact us here and gives a number. Which I called. It isn't a real number. So I go to their support page and try to send a message to support. But their captcha is broken and will not send the message through..... so that's it? I spend a bunch of money on this app just to be blocked by a false report with no investigation and that's it? No explanation of what it is in my profile that was supposedly "inappropriate"? I don't understand why a business like this would run their company this way. Incredibly infuriating.