Childwatch Size

New to Burn and curious what the size of the group for childwatch generally is at other gyms. In the app, mine caps it at 26 kids. So far, it hasn't been super busy, but with the school holiday tomorrow, the camp I'm signed up for is full.

I asked if they had extra staff coming on top of the usual girl when I was there yesterday. They said no. I'm hesitant to even bring my kid with that many signed up due to the size of the room, but at least if there were extra staff, I may consider it. It feels irresponsible and unsafe to only have one staff person for that many kids.

The obvious solution is that I just skip tomorrow if I'm uncomfortable, but I'm curious if this comes up for others. The childwatch is a major benefit for me, but I'm already wondering if this might become a pattern in the summer when kids are home from school.