something as well written as Blossom but make it wuxia/xianxia
helloo, I still can't move on from how well-made Blossom was. The characters: were all very three dimensional, I especially loved how clever the leads were without falling into one sole archetype of "girl boss"/"tsundere"/whatever The pacing: the getting to know each other, falling in love and being together arcs all felt very well paced, not too long not too short, it all made sense imo The visuals: didn't look cheap or over the top I loved how the leads went through a whole lot of dramatic twists and turns but relayed on each other through all of it and respected each other deeply, they worked through it equally
Basically looking for sth like this but with fantasy elements, most importantly no cutesy childlike fl like e.g. in love btw fairy and devil
Thanks a lot!!