I just Can't relate to people who Grew up safe, nurtured.

I'm not trying to be different, I'm not trying to find issues with Non-traumatized people-or characterizing them as bad, its just that our perspectives are so wildly different, we simply do NOT have any common ground. Possibly the fact that we're both human and need to eat, have basic human needs, which would allow me to relate to them on a very superficial level. But most of the time, meeting new people feels so pointless.

I really dont feel like it's my job to "fit in" to some common experience, in order to "adapt"., What do I gain by doing that? Friends? What kind of friends? Friends that understand about trauma? I don't believe it. And what do you think would happen when they find out that even though I managed to find a way to fit in, ...and they somehow get wind of the fact I"m different-but have been hiding it...what happens then? Like you should have told me man, who you really were, and not a poser. I thought I was with someone normal? You lied to me. Sure, I lied to them, because I was lying to myself.

I can't speak for others, but it's painfully obvious that my Trauma is literally woven into my body, on a cellular level. I find a work-around, to adapt, to manage, but it's there, ...it's always there. It's like putting on a human suit every time I walk out the door. My siblings struggle the same way, it's not a coincidence-right?

My brother told me "you know that bike trip I took with that group? Well , I knew then, that I would never be that guy that fits in with other guys, doing guy things" And I got it. I get it. The loneliness. You know who doesnt get it? People that didn't grow up with trauma. And I wanted to say "No, that's not true, you'll find your tribe!" But I didn't want to lie to him. I thought , and this is why we're going to adopt some dogs, so that we can go hiking with them..........Because dogs dont' judge, and ostracize you.

I was moving to a neighborhood, where it would be expected of you to be friendly and relaxed , but it felt threatening and "too close"....and I was freaking out just thinking about having to be normal in that dynamic. Positive I wouldn't be able to pull off 'normal well adjusted neighbor". NO ONE I knew at the time.....understood what that was. I was like 'but what if they ask me to a cookout, and I don't want to go?" People, I knew that, didnt' grow up with trauma, just looked at me, like "" ??....what are you talking about??" Oh, yeah sorry, I forgot, .........you didnt' grow up the way I grew up......being judged for the most innocuous thing, the way you stand , walk, how you wear your hair, being indoctrinated as your parents personal on call therapist.........at 10.

Always feeling marginalized because there's a certain common core experience of personal care and healthy attachment that most people have had, that I never have, ......and I know it. And Ive been hanging out with people, long enough to know that you can't fake it. I didn't have it when I was 5, or 10, or 14, or 20, or 35; that healthy attachment binding experience. Not even when I was out on my own, not even with therapy. It was like being born without a necessary part of your body in order to function-and you're not growing it back out of thin air. There's a way people normally connect, and understand that connection, that comes as naturally to them as breathing, ...............and it's missing in me.

When my (abusive) mother was ill, and receiving hospice, ..................at one point, I just looked at my brother and said, "I can't do this anymore, I can't pretend that we didnt grow up the way we grew up".....and so the two of us, sat down with the social worker, and I told her, .....what it was really like growing up with this seemingly vulnerable , harmless....."mother". One of the things she commented about, which came as a surprise to me was ...was when the social worker said...." how are you all so normal, and kind?" I have no idea. I wanted to laugh....normal? I just looked at my brother who I know also freaks out like I do, if he needs to have a price check on a grocery item, and panics if everything isn't perfect....yeah so ....were' "normal". How are we so normal? ..... Oh, idk....Out of pure Shame and fear perhaps-of being found out? Or from Years of cultivating a masked persona-also out of shame and the fear of being ostrasized-again? We all had to be saints, to adapt to my selfish mothers incessant demands for attention. We were all parents, counselors, and therapists, before we ever had a chance to be children.............so.... Maybe that's why we seem so normal and nice? Still, it was nice to hear..... that after all these years of being called worthless and selfish, I know how to at least....seem normal.

I have this dream-fantasy, I'm having a gallery opening -there's wine and cheese, people are laughing and mingling, commenting on what the skiing is like in Aspen this time of year.......people are intrigued about the theme of my paintings.....that are always dark and brooding, and someone asks me ...."where do you get your inspiration!?" la, de da....and I say 'from the years of trauma I experienced at the hands of my psychopathic mother.............................more wine?"