Brief Update on TFW Tightening
It's been a while since I posted and I wanted to comment on the recent changes to the TFW program.
I have to admit that a lot of the changes that have been implemented are going to greatly reduce TFWs in real low-skill jobs. The 10% cap and 6% unemployment rule that was reinstated is walking back the rules to a more sensible time. But there is a major change in that they have extended this to the PR stream.
The PR stream was a major loophole. This is where you are seeing Tim Hortons supervisors and Chevron gas station supervisors coming from. There was no cap and there was huge incentive to abuse this. In most of the inspections I have done you would see people at jobs that were clearly low-skilled but on paper were high-skilled. The high-trust in the business allowed them to easily abuse this process. The cap on low-wage in the PR stream means that you will see A LOT of job openings in restaurants and retail stores that have been abusing the program.
The recent addition of a 20% raise from the median wage to qualify for high-wage stream removes a lot of the incentive to use the low-wage stream. There will still be many fake businesses or people that are taking cash from the applicant under the table applying for high-wage but this will make it far less believable. I would recommend completely removing the TFW program from certain jobs in offices and supervisor level positions but I do believe that this will be easier to sort through and get more attention by removing a significant chunk of legitimate jobs that are being given to TFWs as a preference.
It's not perfect but it will reduce the amount of TFWs. There is still a significant amount that needs to be changed.
I have gotten a lot of PMs asking if I'm ok. I'm not sure if they are looking for me because I haven't heard anything. Everything seems to be business as usual. I have been paranoid about posting much so I'm sorry for not answering most of your questions I have been getting.