Is it a yeast infection or bacterial vaginosis ?

So I just want to know because I’ve been too scared to tell my family or bring it up at the doctors but I’ve had these problems for about 15 years it’s like symptoms of a yeast infection but long term like it’s always been there and it never goes away it burns every time I urinate , I have pelvic pain at times , it’s always been itchy and painful on the outside and the inside I’m scared that it’s gonna turn into something serious i also have a painful cyst looking thing inside my vaginal area and my mouth / tongue has oral thrush I don’t really know what to do or what it is I’m scared that it’s going to progress into my bloodstream and other parts of my body if anyone is going through the same thing or has insight of why I might be having so many problems I would greatly appreciate it. I’m not sexually active. I’d like to know if it never going away for 15 years means it’s extremely serious and if anyone knows how serious it could be please let me know.