Buying a car with cash or financing?

Hey folks,

I've been given all sorts of advice when it comes to purchasing a car. I've only ever paid cash for my previous cars. My circumstances have changed now and I don't have much savings like I used to and I'd rather just finance.

My sister who's a lawyer said never take out a loan on a depreciating asset but a friend I'm unable to get in touch with anymore used to run a dealership said you'd be silly not to finance a car. So... I just wanted to hear other peoples with experience from financing a personal or business car or what is the best way way in South Australia. I've even heard of loop holes of buying your car in cash and then leasing it out to your business and then somehow making most of your money back somehow but am not sure if that only applies to the US and was wondering if you could do that here? I've recently opened up a small business and always see people getting fairly expensive cars as their business car yet I know their business isn't thriving enough for them to afford it. I've minimal knowledge with tax and any tips would be good also.

Be interesting to hear other's thoughts. Any advice from all walks of life would be much appreciated.
